- Beardie name(s)
- Mushu
So I have a male bearded dragon who is about a year and a half. And for the past week he has been acting super weird. I got him some new substrate and decor and something to bask on. I know beardies aren't huge with change but even a couple days after he was fine and happy. Lately he has just been digging in his sand in the corner of the enclosure just by the basking area. He basks on his hammock or his little tree. But now he's just been laying in the sand just under the hammock. All hes been doing for the past week is sleep or just kind of laying there.. when I give him his salad and roaches he perks up and eats then goes back to his corner. He looks tired but his eyes aren't droopy. Hes still active and alert when he is out of the cage. But earlier today he was out for less than 10 minutes and walked to an empty cubical in my room which is dark and cool and just fell asleep. He's never acted like this before and hes eating well and fine and hes active but he just wants to sleep? I'm not sure if its brumatoon. But when I was talking to people at scales n tails asking about brumatoon in captivity, they said he shouldn't brumate and if he does that usually indicates that he's just cold in a specific area and his body is making him think it's time. His basking spot hits about 90-110 degrees farienhiet. I dust his bugs regularly and I give him baths 1-2 times a week. Overall he seems healthy but hes still acting weird. His urate has been looking fine and his poop is a tiny bit watery but only a little. I have also noticed that on one of his front feet one of his toes has a missing scale where i can see his nail. And a scale on his tail looks like it's coming off. I can't tell though. His beard hasn't been turning black either it's been pretty orange and warm colored lately usually meaning he is content and warm, right? Its not a concerning hue of orange but I am a little worried since he hasn't acted like this.
So I have a male bearded dragon who is about a year and a half. And for the past week he has been acting super weird. I got him some new substrate and decor and something to bask on. I know beardies aren't huge with change but even a couple days after he was fine and happy. Lately he has just been digging in his sand in the corner of the enclosure just by the basking area. He basks on his hammock or his little tree. But now he's just been laying in the sand just under the hammock. All hes been doing for the past week is sleep or just kind of laying there.. when I give him his salad and roaches he perks up and eats then goes back to his corner. He looks tired but his eyes aren't droopy. Hes still active and alert when he is out of the cage. But earlier today he was out for less than 10 minutes and walked to an empty cubical in my room which is dark and cool and just fell asleep. He's never acted like this before and hes eating well and fine and hes active but he just wants to sleep? I'm not sure if its brumatoon. But when I was talking to people at scales n tails asking about brumatoon in captivity, they said he shouldn't brumate and if he does that usually indicates that he's just cold in a specific area and his body is making him think it's time. His basking spot hits about 90-110 degrees farienhiet. I dust his bugs regularly and I give him baths 1-2 times a week. Overall he seems healthy but hes still acting weird. His urate has been looking fine and his poop is a tiny bit watery but only a little. I have also noticed that on one of his front feet one of his toes has a missing scale where i can see his nail. And a scale on his tail looks like it's coming off. I can't tell though. His beard hasn't been turning black either it's been pretty orange and warm colored lately usually meaning he is content and warm, right? Its not a concerning hue of orange but I am a little worried since he hasn't acted like this.