My bearded dragon wont eat at all now:(


Hi. I posted a question the other day about my new adult bearded dragon not wanting to eat fruit or veg, but for the last two days it hasn't eaten anything at all, not worms, crickets or veg. I'm really worried because my friend who gave me her didn't look after her very well so she's very thin. She sleeps all day now (not sure if that's normal) is it okay to force feed a beardie or should I just leave her and just keep offering the food and hope she eats it. Please help. Really stressing about her. Thanks


Extreme Poster
Hi there. :)

Did you adopt her recently at all? If you did, it could just be relocation stress. My boy wouldn't eat for about a week after I brought him home.
If you are worried about her weight, you can syringe feed her some squash babyfood until she wants to eat on her own again.

Do you want to go over your set-up? (Brand and type of UVB lights, temperatures, substrate, type of thermometer, ect.) That way we can be sure it is just relocation stress, and not a problem with her enclosure that is causing her not to eat.


Original Poster
We adopted her four days ago, she ate the first and second day, but that was only a few super worms. She doesn't even look at the fruit or veg I put in her cage. My friend only fed her hibiscus leaves and two worms a day. Wev only got a red light in her cage, we still trying to find a pet shop in our area that sells the UVB lights coz I know those are very important. I have been taking her outside in the sun for about thirty minutes everyday since we got her. Her cage is quite big, so she can decide if she wants to be on the hot side or the cool side. I'm hoping its just relocation stress and not something serious. Its just bugging me because she is so thin as it is. Is it safe to feed her by siringe? And how can I get her to eat the fruit and veg, she's never eaten it before. Iv tried puting the worms in her food but that doesn't work either. And is it normal for them to sleep the whole day? Thanks


Extreme Poster
It's probably relocation stress then, it tend to hit them after a couple days in their new home. Perfectly normal. :wink:
OK, for no you can replace the red light with a normal white light bulb. White light is actually better for them than red light, and it encourages them he be more active and helps with their appetite. Just keep taking her outside until you get a UVB light. I'm not sure what brands are available in SA, but ReptiSun 10.0 and Arcadia12% are the best.

And syringe feeding her is perfectly safe. Most of them LOVE squash baby food, so she will probably lick it right up.
For veggies, some will just like them on their own, but with my beardie I have to limit his bugs so he is actually hungry enough for his salad. Don't worry about that until she is at a good weight though, she needs more bugs right now until she is chubbier. How old is she?

And my beardie is usually active in the morning, and spend the afternoons taking a nap. So it just depends on the individual I guess, but you don't want her sleeping 24/7 either. Once you get a white light and a UVB light, she will probably be more active. Do you have a thermometer in your viv?


Original Poster
Not to sure on her age, I did ask but my friend didn't know. We do have a thermometer in her cage and from what iv read on the internet the tempretures are about right. We had a white light in her cage but it didn't get very hot so we put the red one back in. What wattage must the white light be? I'm definatly gona try the syringe feeding tomorrow. Hopefully she will start eating on her own soon. I know the adults are ment to eat more veg and fruit than the worms, but for now I just want her to pick up some weight.


Extreme Poster
How big is her cage? I usually use a 50-75 watt bulb, depending on the season. Just whatever gets the temperature to about 100*F.
Yeah, don't worry about the veggies for now. Give her all of the little buggies her heart desires, LOL. :)


Original Poster
The cage is about 2 meters long and about 500 mm wide. Its winter in South Africa at the moment. We had a 60 watt bulb in, but I'll get a higher wattage one for now. Thank you so much for your help. Iv been asking everyone for help but no one seemed interested. I greatly appreciate it:)


Extreme Poster
Ok, yeah 60 watts probably isn't enough. Try a halogen light or a flood light- Those get a LOT warmer than regular light bulbs!

And you're welcome. :D I'm glad I could help!


Hatchling Member
How is your Beardie?
Where do you live Tara? I can give you a few places that sell UV lights.

I agree with Jess, could be relocation stress, but have you seen a vet, if she was under fed there could be an underlying issue.


Original Poster
My beardie is doing much better, she's been eating quite a bit now, still no veggies or fruit though. She loves her crickets. We got her a UVB light so I'm happy about that. She eats one day then doesn't eat the next day, then she eats again. But we will get her to her proper size like she's ment to be :)


Hatchling Member
That's great news!!
Adult beardies only need live foods every second day anyway so don't stress. As for the veg, try put meal worms in the sald so she tries for the worm but accidently gets the veg :)

Glad everything is working out! I know you will be a great beardie slave ;)


Original Poster
Iv tried the worms in the salad but no luck. I'll keep trying though. She doesn't look sick or anything except being thin, she's very alert and loves to be held. I'm so happy about her cause iv always wanted one.


Hatchling Member
Lol my guy is not a fan of salad either! :). I also had issues getting him to eat, it just takes patience and lots of it :)
Glad she looks healthy and is alert!

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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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