My baby beardie won't eat much is it normal?!

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So I'm new to the bearded dragon world. And I need a lot of advice. My beardie is a baby I've had her for about two weeks and her name is Puff. She doesn't eat a lot of greens but I feed her about 5 crickets a day. But she doesn't usually eat them all. Is that okay? I'm scared she's sick or something. Also she doesn't eat anything out of my hands. Is that normal? How do I get her to? Is it because she is still getting used to me? She hasn't shed with me yet either. And good tips for feeding that I can do?


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Hi. Can you go over the set up? Please be specefic. Also 5 crickets a day is not enough for a baby she should be fed 2x a day for 10 to 15 minutes as many as she will eat. If she doesn't want to eat out of your hand thats fine. It just causes a lazy beardie. Since shes so young it normal for them not to eat salad just keep offering it every day.


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So I've got a solar light 3 in 1. It's L U W 70. I give her soft pelletes and I keep her water bowl in the cage also. There's not a lot of humidity in my house considering I love in Germany. And the only reason I give her 5 crickets is because that's what the people told me to do at the pet sore were I got her. She doesn't go on her basking rock a lot. She mostly just sleeps in the corner. She I be worried?


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What size are the crickets you're feeding? What are you using to measure your temps, and what are your temps?


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I honestly have not used anything to measure the temps. They didn't tell me anything at the pet shop about measuring it. And it might be because I live in Germany. The basking rock is pretty got. Sometimes I think it's too hot.


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And the size of the crickets are about the length between her eyes. They are kinda fat though lol


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You need to get rid of the heating rock as beardies can not feel anything on their bellys and can easily get burned. Yes the correct lights and temperature are VERY important to a beadies health. So figure out your temps and lights ASAP! Also babies can eat up to 50 crickes a day or more. Also pet stores are notorious for giving wrong information.


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It's not a heating rock. It's a rock that she lays on to feel the heat. You want me to get rid of that? I'm pretty sure she's supposed to have one to lay on. And I will find out ASAP cause I have to go back to the pet store anyway to get more crickets. Should I get any other food while I'm there too? Like worms or anything?


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Yes if you plug in the rock its bad or you can unlpuge it and use it. Don't get mealworms as they are hard for your beardie to digest. Get a digital thermometer witha probe. She may be to cold to digest her food. Her basking temps need to be 100 to 110. Why are you going to ask the pet store for information when they havent given you the correct information from the start :?:


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No no it's just a regular rock that the heat lamp is over. The rock itself does not heat up. Only from the heat of the lamp. But she decides to lay in the colder areas of her cage! So it's weird.


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No no it's just a regular rock that the heat lamp is over. The rock itself does not heat up. Only from the heat of the lamp. But she decides to lay in the colder areas of her cage! So it's weird.


when I got my baby beardie she wasn't eating either but when she adjusted she eating now and I think herbasking spot is too hot what size tank and wattage of bulb do you use? I used to use large crickets for feeding her but I found out they are to big so if your bearded dragon is a baby I would feed her small crickets and make sure you dust them with calcium withd3 5x a week and herpivite 2x a week


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I use a 75 watt bulb. And yeah I do dust them definitely. And I will get smaller crickets thank you! I think she has a problem with finding the crickets though. Cause they will walk under her and she won't even notice sometimes. And I forgot the size of the tank but I will look right when I get home. Since I'm going to the pet store today is there anything else I should get?
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