My baby beardie is acting off

Mushus Grandma

New member
I got a baby bearded dragon for my oldest on the 30th of December. I've had them before as a teen. Mushu came from petsmart at 5 3/4". He's now 6". We got a 40 gal tank with kit, added a sterilized branch and leaves. I got crickets and small worms, calcium powder, and 2 in 1 food for the crickets. He has a substrate mat. He's done completely fine since then apart from the fact that he sometimes ends up in his water dish but doesn't seem to actively drink water. I've tried coaxing him with tiny little broccoli sprouts, kale (he ate one small piece) and a blueberry. So far nothing, but I understand they get a lot of water from their diet and they need to learn to eat their veggies (I asked the pet store and one dragon owner said they usually only eat crickets at this stage). I also made sure at the store that the little pellets they had in there weren't necessary. The store clerk said they don't really eat them.

He didn't eat a lot yesterday and now his neck is randomly turning black. He isn't interested in the crickets. I thought he was basking but now I think he's sleepy for a different reason. He still moves around but instead of his normal inhalations on his sides only with normal breaths per minute, his whole body on both sides expand briefly, he appears to gasp without opening his mouth, and kind of rear back like the movement is painful. He shouldn't enter brumation, his skin doesn't look wrinkled like shedding. Only one cricket in the past three days as been a little chunky. All others were the appropriate size. Worms are given minimally and not at all since the symptoms started. Should I treat him for impaction and try a warm bath, massage, and canned pumpkin? I can try looking in his throat but he's not gagging so if it was the slightly chunky cricket, it might be further down.

Also does their condition change with light? Should the heat light be turned off for less or more time? That's the only other thing I can think of, if light changed from the petstore to here, accounting for the fact that it's winter too.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
I got a baby bearded dragon for my oldest on the 30th of December. I've had them before as a teen. Mushu came from petsmart at 5 3/4". He's now 6". We got a 40 gal tank with kit, added a sterilized branch and leaves. I got crickets and small worms, calcium powder, and 2 in 1 food for the crickets. He has a substrate mat. He's done completely fine since then apart from the fact that he sometimes ends up in his water dish but doesn't seem to actively drink water. I've tried coaxing him with tiny little broccoli sprouts, kale (he ate one small piece) and a blueberry. So far nothing, but I understand they get a lot of water from their diet and they need to learn to eat their veggies (I asked the pet store and one dragon owner said they usually only eat crickets at this stage). I also made sure at the store that the little pellets they had in there weren't necessary. The store clerk said they don't really eat them.

He didn't eat a lot yesterday and now his neck is randomly turning black. He isn't interested in the crickets. I thought he was basking but now I think he's sleepy for a different reason. He still moves around but instead of his normal inhalations on his sides only with normal breaths per minute, his whole body on both sides expand briefly, he appears to gasp without opening his mouth, and kind of rear back like the movement is painful. He shouldn't enter brumation, his skin doesn't look wrinkled like shedding. Only one cricket in the past three days as been a little chunky. All others were the appropriate size. Worms are given minimally and not at all since the symptoms started. Should I treat him for impaction and try a warm bath, massage, and canned pumpkin? I can try looking in his throat but he's not gagging so if it was the slightly chunky cricket, it might be further down.

Also does their condition change with light? Should the heat light be turned off for less or more time? That's the only other thing I can think of, if light changed from the petstore to here, accounting for the fact that it's winter too.
Kits are useless they have stuff in them that aren't any good-- you need two digital probe thermometers- surface basking temps 105-110-- NO COILS-- you want a long tube fixture a good one I have links for 3 good ones if you need them++ NO colored bulbs please-- one your temps and uvb- is on par you will see a difference in behavior

Mushus Grandma

New member
Original Poster
Kits are useless they have stuff in them that aren't any good-- you need two digital probe thermometers- surface basking temps 105-110-- NO COILS-- you want a long tube fixture a good one I have links for 3 good ones if you need them++ NO colored bulbs please-- one your temps and uvb- is on par you will see a difference in behavior
I'll take any recommendations. We have better ones on the way for him but it never hurts to have more info.

Mushus Grandma

New member
Original Poster
I'm going to replace that bulb and add another heat lamp that's sturdier for now. I had doubts about the kits and wanted to anyway. I consulted a reptile expert and they did warn about heating rocks and the distance between the bulbs and the basking spot. He stubbornly stays on the leaves so I'm scooting those right next to the basking spot so he can get the same experience. We have an appt for an exam tomorrow. He's perking up a bit after a warm bath and tummy massage. I was also told to use a bar light for UVB by a long-time owner. Does that sound accurate? The calcium powder doesn't have D3 so I want to make sure he's getting plenty of that too.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is your dragon doing tonight?
Yes, a long fluorescent tube bulb is superior to a compact/coil UVB light. We recommend either the Arcadia
D3 12% or 14% T5 tube, or the Reptisun 10% T5 tube. Both are great bulbs. You will need to get a high
output T5 light fixture.
You can certainly give some canned pumpkin & squash baby food along with sugar free applesauce, to help
in case he might be having trouble with the larger cricket. He should be able to pass it through if it wasn't too
The calcium with D3 only needs to be given a couple of times per week, but calcium in general 4-5 times per
week since he is under a year of age.


KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
I'm going to replace that bulb and add another heat lamp that's sturdier for now. I had doubts about the kits and wanted to anyway. I consulted a reptile expert and they did warn about heating rocks and the distance between the bulbs and the basking spot. He stubbornly stays on the leaves so I'm scooting those right next to the basking spot so he can get the same experience. We have an appt for an exam tomorrow. He's perking up a bit after a warm bath and tummy massage. I was also told to use a bar light for UVB by a long-time owner. Does that sound accurate? The calcium powder doesn't have D3 so I want to make sure he's getting plenty of that too.
If you want links for the UVB's let me know-- please NO enemas at the vet and I would hold off going there- hes dealing w/ relocation stress right now and unless he is real sick I would wait-- the D3 should be given a couple times per week light coated on the insects -- please make sure your feeding appropriate size ones you dont want him impacted - they should not be bigger than the space between the eyes - your UVB is going to help w/ the calcium hes getting

Mushus Grandma

New member
Original Poster

How is your dragon doing tonight?
Yes, a long fluorescent tube bulb is superior to a compact/coil UVB light. We recommend either the Arcadia
D3 12% or 14% T5 tube, or the Reptisun 10% T5 tube. Both are great bulbs. You will need to get a high
output T5 light fixture.
You can certainly give some canned pumpkin & squash baby food along with sugar free applesauce, to help
in case he might be having trouble with the larger cricket. He should be able to pass it through if it wasn't too
The calcium with D3 only needs to be given a couple of times per week, but calcium in general 4-5 times per
week since he is under a year of age.

It was touch and go for a bit. We've got better lighting and things are much better. I was confused on the impaction because he was a bit uncomfortable in his tummy but had been pooping. It looks like the other commenter was right and there was a stress period. I had thought he'd be okay because he acclimated well the first few days but from my reading they can take much longer and have low periods even after it seems like they've recovered from the stress of a new home.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
It was touch and go for a bit. We've got better lighting and things are much better. I was confused on the impaction because he was a bit uncomfortable in his tummy but had been pooping. It looks like the other commenter was right and there was a stress period. I had thought he'd be okay because he acclimated well the first few days but from my reading they can take much longer and have low periods even after it seems like they've recovered from the stress of a new home.
Did you get a long tube UVB and where do you have it placed? The screen on the tank is going to determine where it goes

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Yes, some do tend to be more stressed than others, so it takes patience while they adjust to a new home
& environment.
How is your dragon doing now?
Let us know how the lighting adjustments are going!


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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh

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