My babies, Miyagi and Julius... Well, not babies anymore...

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I know I have not been on here in quite some time, so I felt it was time to share my current two babies...

The first is Miyagi... She used to alternate arms when waving (at nothing, btw) and she had two dark strips on her chin that looked like a Fumanchu, hence her name. I got her the night we buried my sweet Yoshi (RIP). I was wearing my Yoshi shirt (I bought specifically cuz I had my beardie named Yoshi, and I wore it for his burial.) and when we went to the (CRAPPY) local petstore, I saw her. She was red red red and I LOVE the red babies. She is a Sandfire Red and i couldn't stop looking at her so I asked to hold her and she instantly started biting the green parts on my shirt. I. Was. In. LOVE. She has since gone to the local Renaissance Festival with me a week after I got her, and she had no ubv at the dumb petstore, so she has broken her arm at least once and twisted it twice that I know of. (She was very hyper as a baby, and always throwing herself around her viv in the evenings.) Her arm is healed now, but the break made it heal incorrectly so she doesn't have full range of motion in that arm now, and it is a little shorter than her none-injured arm, but the vet said otherwise she is fine. :)

The night I brought her home...

Ren Fest...

Her broken arm...

My other one is Julius. I got him a few days after my sweet Bowser (RIP) had to be put down. I feel like he caught my eye originally for his coloring (He is from the petstore I work at and I hadn't seen one so colorful from before there.), then later, he became like a gift from Bowser to make sure I would be ok after he was gone. (Maybe that sounds weird, but I really believe Bowser wanted me to have him.) He is orange on his sides, very much so in person. However, he doesn't like going places much, so he is usually dark and stress mark-ish for pictures. LOL Since he is orange, I named him Julius long before I got him. Julius. Like Orange Julius. ;)

Workin on the car...

He's very long, and not very wide...

Miyagi is about six months old and weighs 160g at her vet visit two weeks ago. She is 13" (Tail nip, so technically 14"). She sheds CONSTANTLY. :)
Julius is around the same age, I believe, and unfortunately I can't remember when his shipment came in to estimate his hatch date better. Part of me is thinking he may be a month younger than Miyagi, but again, I'm not for certain. He is currently 14" and grows longer more than he does width-wise. Idk of his weight atm, but he was about 25g when I got him in November and Miyagi was 14g when I got her in September.
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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