Hey! Sorry, I’m slowly getting addicted to this site, so sorry for all of the questions the last couple days. Anyways, Inanna, my adult beardie, surprised me today by (completely unexpectedly) laying a clutch of eggs! She had been a bit off the past 2 days, just seeming a bit more tired, and that was the ONLY indication of her being gravid at all. No other signs, eating fine, was incredibly active minus the past 2 days, and then all of sudden there’s about 14 eggs in her enclosure. My worry now, is that she’s not done. She didn’t have a lay-bin or anything like that as I had no idea she was about to lay eggs. She laid them under her bridge in her enclosure. Should I make her a lay bin still? If so, what should I use? I went to the store today, but had no idea what I was looking for for her, and she’s currently housed on paper towel. I had excavator clay that I was planning on using her in enclosure later, so I set up some of that in a bin for her until I can go to the store tomorrow. I heard play-sand, but I don’t know what brand to buy to ensure it’s safe for her? Also, anything else I need to do for her to help her pass the eggs easier? And how big should the bin be? I’m so confused