Multiple dragons? NOTE: Not asking about housing!

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Hello all!
What a lovely and slightly stressful surprise haha. I got my baby beardie today, and WOW there was... another one in there! This was done on purpose and it's a nice gesture but I'm a little.. freaked out. Right now they are together in a 40 gallon. I know even as babies they can be aggressive towards each other, but I don't really have anything I can do right this second. I'm monitoring them and making my parents as well.

In storage, I have another tank i could use. I'm raising a colony of dubia, and I know the rule of thumb usually turns out 'when you get one you get two'. However, what I'm wanting to know about is how people play with TWO. I have plenty of time to dedicate but it's stressing me out a little, the thought of rotating them? I read that some people are able to have both out at the same time, just not housed. I figured too more than likely i'll want to play with one and my parents will be interested in playing with the other.
I'm just really startled right now hahaha, but owners of multiple dragons, can you tell me how things are?

Also for the record, I have already reached out to people to keep an eye out for people who can adopt the other one locally. I really do want to take care of it and own it, but I understand that if things end up too stressful for either of us it's the best thing to do.

AHBD Sicko
Hi Erica...what a surprise ! LOL ....I think I know who does that, but anyway, as for the " playing " with them here's how baby beardies are. When you have them out of the tank , especially when they are new, they are far more interested in looking for places to run, jump or hide ! It's usually the older dragons that will go after each other, most specifically male to male for some " circling + biting " or male to female for the obvious. Right now your babies may not even be interested in each other at all, or they may freeze, strike a pose and wave. Maybe a little head bob. But be careful, they can dart off your bed, desk, etc. and get hurt or streak across the floor, so you must supervise closely.


Hatchling Member

I currently have one older beardie and one baby, so i try not to interact them together. But if both of yours are about the same size, the only worrie you should have is the little ones darting off. =] i know the whole "playing with them" thing sounds like its gonna be kinda hard to devote the time to each of them, but it will all fall into a routine. For instance, I hold my little one when i hang out sitting on the couch watching TV or similar things like that so if he jumps or wants to run, hes safe. whereas my older one i can take for car rides or to walmart and he wont move at all off my shoulder. Training them to get used to be out around eachother would be very benificial though. that way when they are older, you can have one hang out on each shoulder! =]


Sub-Adult Member
hmmmm that is a suprise. i would be happy, but there would also be some bad words coming out of my mouth..
anyways i have one 9 month old and a 2-4 year old, and they are male and female and i have no problems having them out together. Gypsy my older dragon sometimes tries to show she's the bigger dragon but Elyott just runs to me and she stop (she also tries that with my mom) it really all depends on the dragons. some mind and some don't. Elyott doens't like it when its bed time or wake up time and Gypsy is there. to him that is our time and he gets fussy if he sees her. (I raised him from 4 weeks old) my dragons really just don't mind. but when yours grow up they may. it all depends

zandi202 Addict
For Jace and Zy I always take Jace out to hang from 6-7 and Zy gets 7-8. The only time I take them out together is when my boyfriend and I are taking them outside and he gets one and I get the other. Whoever he has doesn't like this :lol: Gets jealous of the one I have. They can easily see each other from their own respective vivs and get along fine.


Gray-bearded Member
i have 2, a male and a female one year apart.

they each get turns coming out to play. my male likes to go outside but my female likes to run around our apartment. technically we can have them both out at the same time if i take Mr Dargon outside and my husband lets Tasty Treat run around inside.

there is also the option of keeping them in separate rooms to run around.

for the babies being housed together: just make sure you are feeding them a lot. if they are both full there is less of a chance of them nipping at each other.

it can be a lot of work (like bathtime), but once you get the hang of it you may want to keep both of them, lol.


Sub-Adult Member
I have 3, 2 girls and a boy. My youngest girl just turned one this last weekend, the other 2 are 2-3 years.

They are all very affectionate and friendly but I cannot have my boy out with the girls without him spazzing out and trying to attack them. On the same vein my girls will side-puff and head bob at my boy if they see him too close to them.

My two girls used to be pretty indifferent of each other, up until a few months ago my youngest must have hit puberty and decided she was going to be queen lizard of the house. She will tolerate my older girl in her presence for only so long before she charges up and does some furious head bobbing. I'd say 90% of the time my older girl just ignores her. I just move the younger one away and she calms down. So I can have the girls out together but I have to keep an eye on them. Gone are the days when they could share a tank during weekend trips to the cabin and letting them sit on the couch together while I'm at work!

With any luck you'll have two females who won't mind each other. But if you don't, you should still be able to spend time with both of them pretty easily :) We can have all 3 of ours out at once, but my husband has to hold our boy!


Hatchling Member
I have 4, 2 girls and 2 boys. I handle them all pretty well. My oldest male is 2 and he just likes to chill on the bed so I can put him in there and close the door and he does fine. My 2 girls are both 8 months old and cant stand each other. So one gets the porch and one gets the living room and I switch them after about 30 mins. And my little guy just likes to cuddle if you try putting him down out side of his viv for anything but feeding time he beards and will chase me around unti I pick him back up. So it all depends on your guys :). My two girls get alone fine when we're not in the house but once I walk in the front door they have to be separated.


Hatchling Member
I have three boys and I have to keep them separate in every situation. You find time... At times it can be a little overwhelming like bath time and cage cleaning day, but you learn to rotate them. Sometimes i'll give one free roaming time in one area of the apartment while i get in snuggle time with another. Somehow it works and everyone gets their loves. :wink:
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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