Mulberry Farms...problems??

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
I read that too...about the parent/offspring thing. So, you would say to stay away completely? Even several generations down the road they would be infected? It would make sense, now that I really think about it. I thought about getting mine cultured, but don't know where to go to. My vet can't do it, but is aware of the bacteria they can carry. What I'm that no matter what, now that the US has been contaminated, it is unlikely that we will ever have a completely clean colony?
I was also disappointed in Mulberry due to them sending me both "normal" and zebra silkies in the same container...from what I understand...that's asking for even more trouble. Trust me, if somebody can tell me that they won't really ever be "safe", I won't feed them again.
I really appreciate your input, not too many are willing to speak out about it.


Extreme Poster
I quit selling silkies because I knew they could have bacteria. Our motto was to provide healthy feeders and how can a person sell something knowing they could infect another person's pets. Not me. This problem is sort of like the adeno virus. No one wants to talk about it and blames husbandry when the people having problems knows it's not husbandry. I only answered your posts because I know silkies can have problems. Now, I have gotten the zebra silkies and some eggs. The small zebra's a few months ago were great. I hatched two batches without one death. I was feeding my gecko's these. But the last batch I hatched, only about 6 hatchlings actually lived. They would not go to their food and died on the bottom of their petri dish so I stopped feeding them as feeders to my gecko's. I would never feed them to my beardies as mine has weak immune systems and doing great. Sending them together is asking for trouble even though Zebra's are a hardier silkie that doesn't get sick as fast. I don't necessarily want to say they are a bad feeder but I personally choose not to use them. There are precautions people can take such has buy the smallest or hatch the eggs yourself and watch them grow. Weak silkies won't grow as fast and die easier.

Your vet's lab can culture them at a premium price. I think back then I paid a couple hundred dollars. The vet I chose to do it was very interested in them knowing they carry things that can kill a reptile.


Hatchling Member
I took a few of the silkworms to the vet when I took Draco and he said the worms look fine, I went with a different place then Mulberry farms, I think it was the silkworm shop.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
stephenrose06":3147a said:
I took a few of the silkworms to the vet when I took Draco and he said the worms look fine, I went with a different place then Mulberry farms, I think it was the silkworm shop.
That's the problem...the worms LOOK fine, but sometimes they aren't. I think pscaulkins did a good job of explaining it. It can be in their blood, they can still sometimes cocoon, emerge, mate, and lay eggs, but the virus is given to their offspring. Basically, just because they look ok, doesn't mean they really are. They need to be cultured to be able to really determine if something is wrong with them. Most of the silkies I intended to use as breeders spun cocoons and looked just fine, but about 20% started to show signs of bacteria/virus. The silkies I had didn't show signs until they were "full-grown" and ready to spin.
I won't say they are bad feeders, either, but I'd do some research beforehand. Healthy silkies are good feeders, but it seems that they are hard to find. This is just my opinion.
I have not ordered from, though.


Hatchling Member
Well hopefully these will be ok but I only got 25 of them. I am waiting on my 75 roaches and if Draco goes for them then that will be my main feeder


Extreme Poster
stephenrose06":34d43 said:
I took a few of the silkworms to the vet when I took Draco and he said the worms look fine, I went with a different place then Mulberry farms, I think it was the silkworm shop.

When they culture them, they take the intestinal tract and culture it. Looks can be deceiving. Everyone in the US gets their silkie eggs from MF. MF is the only importer of silkie eggs into the US.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

PSCaulkins is correct. MF is the MAIN importer, & supplies every other supplier with their feeders. So, if they have infected ones, the rest will most likely have infected ones too. It is not just the feed, but the feeders that are inflicted.



Sub-Adult Member
oh wow... about 2 minutes ago i almost ordered silkies from mulberry farms, but luckily i decided not to. the shipping thing said it couldnt ship to my address, so i decided not to deal with it and get some other feeder. i ordered from them before and didnt understand the problem this time but i figured they just got a new shipper or something and decided to go somewhere else...

i feel sooo lucky now. thanks for posting this, so much. i might of tried again.. :shock:



Hatchling Member
well my Draco loves silkworms, but I think he also likes roaches too so if I can get him to eat enough of them I'll just use roaches and crickets as a back up then use waxworms and butterworms as treats. I thought of using more PW but they are kind of expensive


Juvie Member
Oh crud. I just ordered silkworms from MF yesterday. Dang. I wonder if I can cancel my order. I know they haven't shipped them yet. I'm going to email them. I'm bummed. I was hoping to be able to feed these. It's always something, isn't it?


Now I'm worried! I just got my shipment of silkies the other day and fed both of my babies some. Should I just throw out the rest? The beardies seem fine but I don't want to run any risks. They are both still pretty small (7.5" & 8.5") and I certainly don't want anything to happen to them.


Juvie Member
I'm so happy. I just got a reply from Mulberry Farms that I can change my order. I'm going to get a different worm instead. :blob5:


Juvie Member
Laurmann2000":eb9ee said:
I'm so happy. I just got a reply from Mulberry Farms that I can change my order. I'm going to get a different worm instead. :blob5:

Oh good. I ordered silkworms from Mulberry farms earlier this summer and the smaller ones died off within a few days. Then the larger ones turned kinda dark, got really bloated, and started to ooze and melt. I'm not sure this is from the virus because I've never gotten silk worms before, but it grossed me out so bad I never ordered any more. Luckily Buttercup only ate a couple in the first couple of days so hopefully she won't get sick.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
maxattack":11c09 said:
Oh good. I ordered silkworms from Mulberry farms earlier this summer and the smaller ones died off within a few days. Then the larger ones turned kinda dark, got really bloated, and started to ooze and melt. I'm not sure this is from the virus because I've never gotten silk worms before, but it grossed me out so bad I never ordered any more. Luckily Buttercup only ate a couple in the first couple of days so hopefully she won't get sick.
Virus. That's all I can say. From the posts above, pscaulkins, explained that if both parents have the virus, their young will die early, if one parent is the carrier, they can make it to adulthood and then start showing the exact signs you described. I do have pictures, but I'd really not like to post's not pretty.
In my opinion if you see that your larger ones are turning black...they tend to start in "spots", like the mid-section will began to turn, then the whole worm...don't feed any of the silkies you have. If one has it, you can be pretty sure they all have it. It's an "airborne" virus and can stay in your home for years.
I don't feed silkies or hornworms anymore and never will.
puffmum":11c09 said:
Now I'm worried! I just got my shipment of silkies the other day and fed both of my babies some. Should I just throw out the rest? The beardies seem fine but I don't want to run any risks. They are both still pretty small (7.5" & 8.5") and I certainly don't want anything to happen to them.
I have heard of ones that have made it to adulthood, no signs whatsoever, emerged, and reproduced (I believe about 50). That was only one person though. You have to decide what to do.
Laurmann2000":11c09 said:
I'm so happy. I just got a reply from Mulberry Farms that I can change my order. I'm going to get a different worm instead. :blob5:
I'm glad they were nice to you. The lady I spoke to was anything but nice.
Please, don't turn this thread into an argument about silkworms, hornworms, or Mulberry. This is just my opinion and after doing a lot of reading and hearing about other cases...this is what I decided was best for my two.
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