Gray-bearded Member
- Beardie name(s)
- Taco
Is here anybody into modelmaking/ scale modeling? If yes, what are you building?
I'm quite a lot (if I had more space, I would be even more
I like buidling: anything related to space, engineering, science, steampunk, cyberpunk.
I rarely start with a kit (did this once for the Eagle lander); usually I start on my own including parts found on flea markets, repurposed toys, trash.
Currently I'm working on a larger project: A cyberpunk diorama, made from mostly wood/MDF, parts from flea markets and parts found in the trash, damaged computer parts, plus some working electronic components. I purpose include things I got from different places all over the world (while living in different countries and traveling), plus want to give it a local "vibe" by incorporating items from here and making the building look inspired by buildings found here.
Started it a few months ago but had little time and had not all the electronic parts yet. Now I have more time (university starts into a long summer break of approx. 8 weeks which for me means I'm working now reduced and flexible hours (I do three hours early morning, three hours late at night and during the day I have time for other things... like crafts
That's how the diorama looks like now, and things that will be included like an antenna plus a drone landing pad built from trash found on the beach:
I'm quite a lot (if I had more space, I would be even more
I like buidling: anything related to space, engineering, science, steampunk, cyberpunk.
I rarely start with a kit (did this once for the Eagle lander); usually I start on my own including parts found on flea markets, repurposed toys, trash.
Currently I'm working on a larger project: A cyberpunk diorama, made from mostly wood/MDF, parts from flea markets and parts found in the trash, damaged computer parts, plus some working electronic components. I purpose include things I got from different places all over the world (while living in different countries and traveling), plus want to give it a local "vibe" by incorporating items from here and making the building look inspired by buildings found here.
Started it a few months ago but had little time and had not all the electronic parts yet. Now I have more time (university starts into a long summer break of approx. 8 weeks which for me means I'm working now reduced and flexible hours (I do three hours early morning, three hours late at night and during the day I have time for other things... like crafts
That's how the diorama looks like now, and things that will be included like an antenna plus a drone landing pad built from trash found on the beach: