Mine's the Beardie that was fried on his rock.

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So, his belly is looking much better. Its all black/brown now, but I'm expecting him to shed that soon. It really did get all red and ugly there for awhile. I felt like a horrible mom.
Well, as suggested here, I got the UVB light, and bought some calcium to sprinkle on his food. Part of the problem might be the guilt complex. I had purchased a couple containers of superworms. Yes, he ate the 'magic sprinkles' on them, let me tell ya! But, now that I'm out of them, he's back to the reptical. The little brat won't eat it. Tastes it and turns away. Right now I'm giving him the tough love treatment. He's got collards and squash in there too...they usually go uneaten. I soak it in warm water, and then add a little calcium. I've tried adding it to the water for it to be soaked up, and sprinkled directly on top.
Does the calcium have a taste? He's not unhealthy, he's actually quite limber...he crawled up 2 flights of steps the other day before my DD caught him. His poop is fine.


Gray-bearded Member
Try some cilantro in his salad. Mine would eat cardboard if it was mixed with fresh cilantro. Yes, the calcium powder does have a bitter taste. Mine seems to like the taste, he will lick the dust out of his bowl after his salad. ( Well he did before he started brumating. :( ) Yours may want you to dry his salad. Bogie will not eat a wet salad. Go figure, they are as picky as kids.
Order your worms online, they are cheaper and you don't have to drive in the winter weather. Supers are very easy to keep and last a long time. Well until your dragon eats them anyway. :lol: PWs are also great and so much cheaper online.
Mine loves to climb the stairs too. Just put a kid at the top to catch him before he gets under the bed, and let him have fun. It's like a free dragon gym. :D
Could you post some pictures? We are picture addicts here. Pleeeese? :lol:

Sandy H


Original Poster
I'll have to find out where on line to order...but, that's a good idea. Especially since its 9 degrees outside! :shock:
I'll try to post a picture. Its not like I don't have any...I'll have my DD help.


Gray-bearded Member
9 degrees, yikes, that's cold! Where are you? You will want to order as close to home as possable to save on shipping. And if it's that cold you don't want your bugs to freeze. Although in the summer they may like a bugcicle, it wouldn't be as appealing this time of year. :lol:

It really is fun to watch Bogie tear into his salad if I hide his cilantro under the other greens. :lol:

Sandy H
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