Meet River 7 inches/2 months old (boy or girl?)

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I am a first grade teacher and I got a partial grant for pets in the classroom so I got River a week ago. I haven't brought him or her to the classroom yet because he's not eating as much as I would like but hopefully he or she will adjust and start eating more. River did a shed the second day I had him or her.

River is approximately 2 months old measuring 7 in. From tip of nose to tip of tail. Very sweet dragon very beautiful Dragon I'm just not sure of the sex if anybody can help me I would appreciate it thank you


Sub-Adult Member
River is a beautiful baby. Hopefully you are feeding River live bugs 3 times a day. They need protein everyday while they are growing. There is a lot of good info on this site.
FYI, the sand is not good for beardies. You need to get rid of that ASAP. Scoop and vacuum that out of the tank. You can use paper towels, newspaper, non adhesive shelf liner or tile. He or she has great colors. I would probably keep River at home for a while then get a setup for her at school, or maybe the other way around. She will definitely need 3 feedings a day of live bugs.


Original Poster
You said her so do you think River is a girl?

I have owned a bearded dragon before. I do feed River live bugs several times a day. Crickets mealworms and dubia roaches. I feed River the crickets and roaches in a separate tank with reptile carpet. The veggies and fruit are in a dish. River does not ingest any sand or coconut fiber which is on the heated side of the 40 gallon tank.

I have a set up in the classroom ready for River with everything needed. I will be feeding River in that enclosure which is 40 gallons so I will be using tile or newspaper.


Sub-Adult Member
I can’t tell if River is a girl or boy. It’s good that you have experience with beardies. The mealworms might not be good, Dubia’s and crickets are good.


Original Poster
Terry15":3oybx4f9 said:
I can’t tell if River is a girl or boy. It’s good that you have experience with beardies. The mealworms might not be good, Dubia’s and crickets are good.

I just read that about the mealworms, so about to head to the pet store to get another option. Not sure why the pet store sold mealworms to feed a baby. My son's dragon escaped from our screened in porch. I was devastated. This was 16 years ago. Our dragon was 2.5 years old. It has been on very long time since I've had a baby dragon. I read up on the care and educated my class about it but I missed the part about the meal worms not being fed to babies. I am so happy to have another one as a pet. I love River already!

AHBD Sicko
Hi there, can you post a couple more with the tail arched high like the one on the next to the last picture ? From that one it does look female but a few more pics could be helpful.

BTW, those are VERY generous portions of veg. + fruit, as you know River won't eat that much. I just wanted to add that it's best to cut the food items in to very tiny pieces so a tiny dragon doesn't choke or get impacted. It's easy to see why you love the little bugger, we all love a cute scaly baby. :)


Hatchling Member
Looks like River is a female but kind of hard to see as she's a bit too small. It took my guy another four months to see his exact gender (he's a brat on the outside too)

I recommend taking the sand out, but if you supervise her and make sure she's not licking anything up, it should be fine. I'm glad you're giving the little baby food out of her tank though

Also, pet stores tend to have the wrong info on food and especially housing. Though, it's better than the pet store saying you need to give her pellets

AHBD Sicko
River is very patiently putting up with this photo shoot ! Still appears female but wait a few more months and post more , just to be sure because some males show the bulges a bit later but these pics are excellent and River is most likely a girl. :)
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