Hello everyone, my first beardie is/was Meeko, he was the runt of the clutch. He's a gorgeous Sandfire Hypo, he's three months old at the most now. He hasn't been eating well, lethargic, keeping under rocks on the cool end of his viv, losing lots of weight, and keeping his eyes closed for about a week and a half now. Four days ago he was housed with my other beardie Fairfax(they both have their own vivs now) and got his toe nipped. Yesterday I took Meeks into the vet; it wasn't good. My vet who has been specializing in exotics for over ten years checked him out and told me he was going to die. He didn't know why but he's seen tons of young beardies such as Meeks and he's never seen them turn around. After lots of tears and an hour of sitting in the office I took Meeks to see Jill over at Leaping Lizards(where he was adopted from) so he could say hi. She also looked over him and tried to feed him some pinhead crickies, he took a whole five of them before he was done. She let me keep Meeks so I could try and nurse him back to full health while also letting me choose another beardie to take home(free of charge). I'm doing everything right as far as housing and all of that so I don't feel the need to post my viv specs again, I was just wondering if you all had some other advise to caring for Meeko and hopefully bringing him back up to full health. Jill told me I could feed him some baby food such as chicken and the fruits. Since last night when Jill gave him some crickies he hasn't eaten anything for me, but it's within a 24 hour period and he's so tiny.
Thanks in advance.
Please keep Meeko in your thoughts and prayers.
Thanks in advance.
Please keep Meeko in your thoughts and prayers.