Meeko is dying

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Hello everyone, my first beardie is/was Meeko, he was the runt of the clutch. He's a gorgeous Sandfire Hypo, he's three months old at the most now. He hasn't been eating well, lethargic, keeping under rocks on the cool end of his viv, losing lots of weight, and keeping his eyes closed for about a week and a half now. Four days ago he was housed with my other beardie Fairfax(they both have their own vivs now) and got his toe nipped. Yesterday I took Meeks into the vet; it wasn't good. My vet who has been specializing in exotics for over ten years checked him out and told me he was going to die. He didn't know why but he's seen tons of young beardies such as Meeks and he's never seen them turn around. After lots of tears and an hour of sitting in the office I took Meeks to see Jill over at Leaping Lizards(where he was adopted from) so he could say hi. She also looked over him and tried to feed him some pinhead crickies, he took a whole five of them before he was done. She let me keep Meeks so I could try and nurse him back to full health while also letting me choose another beardie to take home(free of charge). I'm doing everything right as far as housing and all of that so I don't feel the need to post my viv specs again, I was just wondering if you all had some other advise to caring for Meeko and hopefully bringing him back up to full health. Jill told me I could feed him some baby food such as chicken and the fruits. Since last night when Jill gave him some crickies he hasn't eaten anything for me, but it's within a 24 hour period and he's so tiny.

Thanks in advance.


Please keep Meeko in your thoughts and prayers.


Sub-Adult Member
Was there a fecal done on Meeko? Or a blood panel?

I can recommend getting some probiotics into Meeko. Some Bene-bac or Acidophilaz may help turn him around. Alot of times they will hide more when their tummy doesn't feel good and some probiotic will help. You could also use all natural soy yogurt.

Stage 1 baby food of chicken or squash etc is a good emergency food to help keep the weight on and get them interested in eating again. Try using a syringe and squirting a little in his mouth. Mine all know what a syringe is by now and will lick medication and/or food out of it as it comes out. Try not to be forceful and gently open the mouth to squirt a little food in. You can also see if he will lick it off the tip of his nose.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am sorry to hear about your baby not doing well.
Just a quick husbandry question though, which UVB light are you using & what are the temperatures in the tank?
Baby food can be effective to help get some nutrition into them. The chicken & turkey seem to be well tolerated mixed with squash baby food also. You can put a little bit of calcium in with the food also.
Have you tried some warm baths too?



Original Poster
Meeko has taken a turn for the worse. He won't eat for me and is no longer keeping his head up. He won't let me open is jaw, any advise on that so as not to hurt him?

All my beardies get a warm bath at least once a day, I'm using the Repti-Sun 10.0 UVB light and temps in Meeko's direct basking spot is around 100, I have different levels under his basking spot so others are less and fully accessible. The cool end of his viv is in the low 70's.


Sub-Adult Member
Anytime they are sick you want to bump the temps up. Try and get the temps up to around 80 - 82 on the cool end. I've been able to use one hand to open my beardies mouth before just try to gently lift the top of their mouth and see if you can get him to eat. Will he lick it off of his snout if you put it there?


Original Poster
Thanks so much for all the advise.
Unfortunately my little boy didn't make it. He died a few minutes ago in my hands, he was only with me for 34 days. Meeko was just two months old this week.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am sorry for your loss. :cry: That is too bad we were not able to help you sooner.
Let us know if you need anything at all.

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