I as most posts I have seen while lurking on this site am new to bearded dragon care taking and I thought It would be best that I get started on this forum while I can before I hit any huge bumps. I got my little beardie (Taco) about a week ago and things have been running surprisingly smooth up to this point. I got him the starter set for desert reptiles by "All Things Living" and I would say it has come with just about everything I need. I have been able to get him a platform close enough to the light to reach 90-110 and I make sure there is always some greens and water in his bowls. One thing that concerns me however is since he little (can't give the exact age but he is around 5-6 inches long) normally he would chow down on the crickets I feed him, but today he didn't want his breakfast that he is always so eager for. I didn't think much of it so I left the cricket in there for him when he was hungry, but when I came back he still hadn't eaten it. I'm trying not to worry about it since I am guessing he is just eating at his own pace but just recently he pooped and compared to the others it didn't have much whiteness in it. His activity hasn't slowed and I would say he is acting normal besides the eating part. Any help appreciated and I will have pictures of his setup and the poop I am concerned about below.