Mandela's official thread!

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Hatchling Member
Been about a week and a half and Mandela is finally starting to get comfortable :)
He's a great water, and seems to be happier when I handle him or let him run around. He almost completely changes colors when he's happy and relaxed, it's pretty intense

Here's a pic of him when he's not too happy about taking a bath

And here are a few of when I've let him run around while I get ready for work. He actually started playing peekaboo with me when I hid in the shower to see what he would do. He would move farther away until I peeked out and then he would run as fast as possible towards me, look up at me, and then walk back hahaha this happened about 5 times...


His colors change so drastically when he's not stressed its crazy

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
They do change like mood rings. He looks pretty happy and has some really nice bright colors. The story about peekaboo is funny =)


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thank you!! He still is having some relocation stress but is eating well and slowly adapting. Honestly the only issue I'm having is that I'm the only human he's used to. If he hears anyone's voice besides mine he freaks out a little, but that's getting better

He's a healthy, happy boy :)


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
anastasia6988":1189htsn said:
Hey there! Its been a while. How is it going with Mandela? Hope all is well. :)
Hey! I haven't been on here recently but things are going great! Mandela is about 14" now! He's super healthy and getting sooo big. How's Hades doing?!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hey guys! I've had a lot going on lately but wanted to update you all on Mandela! He's a happy fella and has been constantly shedding over the past few months, just keeps getting bigger ?
I was expecting him to be a bit bigger by now since he's a German giant, but I think he's starting to hit his growth spurt as of lately!



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
He keeps growing at an insane rate, his colors are darker than normal because he's going through another full body shed. Poor guy has barely had a break from shedding ?



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
My not so little anymore baby is going into another full body shed, I'm so excited to see how orange his body is going to get this time!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Mandela is getting so big that I had to purchase a 40g tank, his other one just wasn't working for him all of a sudden. Poor guy has shed at least 4 times in the past month, can't catch a break

P. S. I thought i would give sand a try for his substrate, and I will definitely be changing it soon. He doesn't seem to lick or ingest it but I just can't stand him getting covered in it, or the clean up...thinking of changing to tile or shelf liner soon




Hatchling Member
Original Poster
My boyfriend and I just recently moved into an apartment and Mandela is loving it. He's able to run around more and gets a lot more attention ! This past weekend I've been off of work due to a back injury so he's been keeping me company and watching some Netflix ?
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