Hatchling Member
Been about a week and a half and Mandela is finally starting to get comfortable
He's a great water, and seems to be happier when I handle him or let him run around. He almost completely changes colors when he's happy and relaxed, it's pretty intense
Here's a pic of him when he's not too happy about taking a bath
And here are a few of when I've let him run around while I get ready for work. He actually started playing peekaboo with me when I hid in the shower to see what he would do. He would move farther away until I peeked out and then he would run as fast as possible towards me, look up at me, and then walk back hahaha this happened about 5 times...
His colors change so drastically when he's not stressed its crazy
He's a great water, and seems to be happier when I handle him or let him run around. He almost completely changes colors when he's happy and relaxed, it's pretty intense
Here's a pic of him when he's not too happy about taking a bath
And here are a few of when I've let him run around while I get ready for work. He actually started playing peekaboo with me when I hid in the shower to see what he would do. He would move farther away until I peeked out and then he would run as fast as possible towards me, look up at me, and then walk back hahaha this happened about 5 times...
His colors change so drastically when he's not stressed its crazy