Making the transition...

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Hatchling Member
My kids are big enough where they can start eating supers. YEY I hate crix! So they had a "super supper" last night... :lol: So this morning I went to give them crix for breakfast and they both refused them, AND tried getting out of the feeding container as fast as possible, until I through a wiggly super in -> they both went nuts and munched it right up (I feed them seperatly but they acted exactly the same).


fresnowitte Sicko
Beardies will choose supers over crickets most of the time. Just remember that supers are not really a staple they should be used with other feeders but not alone. Supplements don't stick to them very well either.

My girls would only eat supers if I let them. Zak prefers them over any other feeders, but Wheezie won't eat them he eats other feeders so for them it levels out. So they still get a balanced diet.

For the rest of my beardies I make them eat other varieties of feeders and just use the supers like a desert.

None of my beardies would touch crickets after about 8 months of age. An a couple have never liked them. I personally haven't had any crickets in the house sense March and man I like that. :D

All in all you have to show them who the parent is. :wink: They don't always want what's best for them just like having kids. :lol:


Juvie Member
You want to see full grown beardies go bananas? Chuck in some adult male dubias w/ them. When I drop off my orders at some of the pet stores in my area I always bring a bunch of Adult males for their stock and between the Dragons and uromastyx lets just say that it's a lot of fun to watch. All I can think to myself is that the roaches must look like Double Quarter Pounders w/ legs to them. Definatly their favorite feeder to feed Dragons. Although the Uro's only get a few but they are just as much fun to watch hunt em' down.


fresnowitte Sicko
I have to agree beardies find roaches irresistible. :wink:
Mine usually jump into the container that I'm trying to dump the roaches out of~they don't even wait for them to get dumped. Pretty funny stuff! :lol:
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i wont stop asking questions and being a worry wart about my lil qibli ! >:)
You know you talk a lot when you post 300 messages within one month of joining a website…oops 😂
Tried to take Wilson out this morning and let me tell you he is NOT a morning beardie !! got the angry beard !!
either she really likes me, or shes hungry
I can’t wait to see Dr.Wilson be a big dragon but I try to cherish hard the moments while he still fits in my hand 🦎

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