Macro shots Leatherback vs Normal


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
As the title sais, I got myself a macro lens and took some shots to compare my Leatherback vs my Normal dragon.
Just for the fun of it but still kind of interesting to see ;)
The first is always the Leatherback. If somebody wants to see some other parts, let me know.

Back scales:


The sides:


And a claw, because it looks bonkers :)


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Cool! Thanks for the photo. It would be interesting to see a macro photo of the eye. :D
This interests me as well but you have to get really close for this so the eye will require some cooperation ;)
They are at bed right now but I'll try tomorrow. Especially the translucent eye will be interesting, compared to a normal one

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Holy crap that is friggen awesome 👌
The eyes will be interesting also. The structure on a trans is still a normal eye, just without the white pigment. In good light you can still make out the differences. It will be very cool to see with macro I think.
The first two photos are amazing btw.


Sub-Adult Member
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Interesting difference. My Taco's eye looks very much like on the left, with very pronounced "eyelashes" and an eye color I would describe as "honey".

I also will try some macros (have a few but only very few) - usually I can get very close with things to Taco's face, so "try" means more "when he wants to come out, and when he's not either wanting to go back into his habitat too early or decides to wander around" ;)


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I took a couple of photos, including macros, of Taco last weekend. However, none really of the eye - I can come very close with a camera or phone, but then he gets very curious, tilts the head and licks the device, even the lens :D

I might try it next time with showing him something else that's more interesting than the camera, maybe some bugs or his cat toys.

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