Low temps and beardies

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How low a temp can a beardie withstand (temporarily)? We just had a crazy ice storm and lost all power, including my heat. The house is currently at 54 degrees but I don’t know how long that will hold and/or if the temp will drop. At what point should I be worried about the temp? How will this affect her; can it be fatal? Any suggestions as to what I could do in the short-term?

Any help would be appreciated.


Hatchling Member
Same problem here, I lost power over night and although it came on for a few hours this morning, it's out again. I was able to get the heat up a little during that brief bit with power.
I don't really know how long beardies can withstand cold temps but I'm assuming it isn't long.
It's about 66 degrees in her viv right now and I'll be going home in a little bit as my work is closing down early.

Read Diane's story here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=94769
If you're able, try to get some heat packs.. (CVS, Wal Mart, Target, etc..) as soon as possible.
I plan on using them to keep my baby warm until the power comes back on. I know she'll probably hate me, but I'm not going to feed her either since she's probably not going to be able to digest anything without normal heat.

Not sure about your area, I'm out North West of Worcester, but I've been hearing some grumblings that towns around the Worcester area could be without power until Tuesday!!!!

I'm doing as much research as I can before I leave work since I don't have power at home... :(


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Heat packs are an excellent idea, I hadn't thought of that. Thank you very much! I'm up in Amesbury but can't seem to get any kind of an estimate as to when we can expect power back, so I guess I need to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Thanks again!


I just read your post and I know my power goes out often in the winter and I just recued an older beardie and hadn't thought about what I would do w/out power. But we have plenty of those hand warmers. I guess I could move her to the downstairs where the woodstove is.....


Gray-bearded Member
I totally feel your pain - i live in Ashburnham and we lost power sometime around 4am. I had a couple of hand warmers so i put one in with each of mine. My boyfriend stayed home form work so i asked him to keep an eye on them to make sure they stay warm.

Did either of you have very far to drive this morning? My 15 min ride to the train took 45 min and the trains were extremly late so i didn't even get into boston until 11:00 -


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When I lost power a year or two ago, I brought her to my parents' house; they have a woodstove and she was fine there in an aquarium next to the stove. I don't want to have to do that again, but it seems they are saying it is "ambitious" to think power will be up anytime before Monday. Eek.

I wonder of those ThermaCare Heat Wraps would work also...


Hatchling Member
I bought a case of chemical hand\pocket warmers at Costco last year. Will use them for UTH (heats for 6-8hrs) if needed. Would probably move my beardie into a smaller cage that is easier to heat until power comes back.


Gray-bearded Member
Really - they dont plan on having power until monday???!! Thats crazy.

We have a generator so i think i will have my boyfriend get that running.

I have heard that the ThermaCare Heat Wraps do work - there is another member on here who uses them when traveling with her beardie.


Hatchling Member
Ok, so I JUST got power back about two hours ago.
So that's midnight Thursday until 5am Sunday... 53 hours without power!! :banghead:
The lowest it got in my house was about 45 degrees. 58 was the lowest temp registered in Sakura's viv... :(

akingsley9000":a50fe said:
Did either of you have very far to drive this morning? My 15 min ride to the train took 45 min and the trains were extremly late so i didn't even get into boston until 11:00 -

I always have far to drive.. :mrgreen: It's about 75 minutes each way. It took me about 90 minutes Friday morning, but the ride was incredible. The trees were absolutely gorgeous, totally encased in ice and drooping over, covering the road in several areas.


Gray-bearded Member
Well i guess 90 min isn't so bad if you are typically traveling 75 min. My total commute for the morning was 5 hours and home was 2.5.

Fortunately we live on the same street as the power plant so we had power back by the time i got home. But yes it was beautiful.

I was in complete shock this morning when i stepped out into 45 degree weather.

Was there much damage in your area?
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