Loves his bowl

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Juvie Member
LOL ok my male Dragon loves his bowl to much lol he was sleeping in it lol. When he got out his under side was covered in powder lol



Juvie Member
Original Poster
LOL ya i love the pic i took :D also just after 3 hours of that pic he got busy with his lady for the first time :wink:

Jasper's Mom Addict
LOL, he was confused! It says "water" on the outside so he got in thinking he would be having a bath. Isn't it amazing how they can wedge themselves into such small spaces. :lol:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Jasper's Mom":d62eb said:
LOL, he was confused! It says "water" on the outside so he got in thinking he would be having a bath. Isn't it amazing how they can wedge themselves into such small spaces. :lol:

LOL ya i know. Hes silly boy
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