Looks like scales are missing or damaged on head


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Hi, my beardie Plinko is coming up on five years old in December. She’s about to start brumating for the winter too.

I was giving her a bath and I noticed four scales on the top of her head almost look like they’re missing? It’s like they’re physically sunken in compared to the rest of the surrounding scales. I’ve never seen it before, I don’t even think they were there a month ago. They’re also lighter in color.

I have no idea what could’ve caused this. I don’t think a bug or anything could’ve bitten her because her feeders are dubia roaches and she’s been weening off for brumation. There aren’t any sharp things in her cage she could’ve bumped into either to scratch her face or anything.

Has anyone seen this before? Could someone help!

Thank you


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BD.org Sicko
There are varying thoughts on what causes this, it could just be a slight bit of genetic malformation but I've read that some think it could be a slight vitamin or calcium deficiency. I'm not sure about it myself but maybe someone else has thoughts on this. I don't think it's anything really harmful.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

I agree, I don't think it is anything bad as well. Sometimes they have scales that grow incorrectly or
just become off on the shape but it should be ok.
Are there any other areas on her with variations in the scales?


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