Lone Star Adventures!

Ok so ignore the name, that’s the name of my property and I thought it would be cool for a thread name!

So this is gonna be like a thread about stupid reptile or animal related things happening over here in Australia!


So today started to a slightly rough start, woke up late for school, and had to rush to get ready. So as I was turning Cookie’s lights on, his heat lamp just went KABOOM! Wouldn’t turn on, so I had to scramble around my bedroom to find a decent bulb that I could use. Thankfully, I had a single light left.

As I opened his cage up to fix everything, Cookie hopped onto my arm, and just sat there, trying to eat my uniform, which is a lovely kale-coloured green. I ended up putting the light in, but why did he have to just sit there? 😂 He could have at least held the fixture still for me to put it in!


Juvie Member
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Cookie, Waffles
I got back from Bathurst last week, came home to two very chunky lizards waiting for some more beans.

I go away, for a week, and they act like they’re starving! I got sent many photo updates of my dudes eating while I was away, little buggers lol.

I got up this morning for band, woke the Cookie monster up, and he came for a little snuggle in my pocket. I’m telling you, I died of cuteness. RIP Billie 2023


Juvie Member
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Cookie, Waffles
RIP billy, such a horrible way to go lol.
Yes very muchly horrible!!!

Waffles deaded me this morning with his sleepy face 😭

As usual, I had to get up at 5:30 for a 7am start (well, today I only have band in the afternoon, I'm just lazy and don't want to catch the bus so I go in with my brother at 7am lol) and I woke the boys up at around 6:20. So Cookie was... extremely mad to say the least and decided to hiss at me, so he didn't get any cuddles this morning. His monches are rather bad haha

But Waffles was happy, so he came out for a snuggle. He napped in my school pocket, and to say that he got only booped is an understatement.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
That will teach Cookie not to be grouchy .... on 2nd thought probably not 😝


Juvie Member
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Cookie, Waffles
I got so many stories it isn't funny.

So over Christmas, my younger sister got two cows for Christmas. The cows are adorably dumb, by the way. Also very boopable. So since we all live out in a semi-rural area, there are cows, horses and just farm animals everywhere. The next door neighbor owns hundreds (not an exaggeration) of cows for breeding and meat purposes. So a good couple weeks ago, one of her bulls escaped over to our property. So my parents have been meaning to get the girls pregger for a while now, so it was the perfect opportunity. However the bull decided the other day, to bust through the fence and go walkies.

Came home to a bull just chillin away from the girls. He has gone back to his home now, but no idea if he actually got the deed done so the girls have gone over to another bull's area who will get it done lol.

So one of my mother's horses, Lenny, is a big sook. Like his lips are so floppy and you just want to flap them all day long. The other day I may or may not have put pieces of licorice in his lips...

So today is my birthday!!! I got a new black wanzie for wintertime, another black hoodie for tech crew purposes, as well as a belt that whenever I can find someone to do photography for my band, is going on! I also got a load of cash, that most of is going to be put into the bank for saving up for a new bass, specifically a super cool one I saw at my local guitar store!

It is a Schecter, so super good for my style of music. And one bonus about it that really sold the deal for me to save up for it, is that the body where the higher end of the fretboard is, allows much more room for solo-ing and I can easily fit my hand there for good 'ol bass solos.

Cookie was being a brat the other day. So he had water in his dish, not much but I was going to refill it once I put some washing on. Well he said no, and while I was patting him, he stared at his water to say 'gimeh water. now.'

So I did. Filled his water up, and you know what he did with it? No, he didn't drink it. For the next 5 hours he sat at it and had his feet dangling over the edge and watched it. I love him, I really do. But stuff like that makes me question why I own beardies! (joke btw)

Enough of my rant about random things, I still got so many more stories! I think I might get Cookie some climbing things with the money, I just don't know what yet!


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
My mom had a calf once, it thought it was a dog. Could not keep it in the fence. It would walk up to the electric fence, stick it's nose right to it and then walk right on through. She eventually gave it to a farmer lol.

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Mirage is shedding....he seems to be feeling itchy lol. Giving him a bath later today. Can Aloe be used on bearded dragons?
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Hello if you don't know about sperm plugs and have a male bearded dragon click this link to find out, I found it really helpful on explaining what they are and what to do about it

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