Local PD found a wandering Beardie.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Poor guy, looks to be under a year. Local humane society has him now. They were able to get crickets but that's it. Fortunately a person we know was doing a shift when he came in and reached out. Just got home from dropping off some dubias, BSFL and a nice salad for him until they figure things out. Hopefully they find his owners pretty quick, if not they know where to order more insects from or if they just need more to get by to contact me.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Poor guy, looks to be under a year. Local humane society has him now. They were able to get crickets but that's it. Fortunately a person we know was doing a shift when he came in and reached out. Just got home from dropping off some dubias, BSFL and a nice salad for him until they figure things out. Hopefully they find his owners pretty quick, if not they know where to order more insects from or if they just need more to get by to contact me.
He needs proper lighting - surface basking temps and a good uvb


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
He needs proper lighting - surface basking temps and a good uvb
They have a couple 40 breeders with lights and stuff. They get box turtles / tortoises from time to time. Eventually they move them to a reptile specialist if the owner doesn't come for it. For now it's a matter of keeping him cared for in the interim and we know how awesome the selection and pricing of food at Petco etc... is lol

I'm sorry, $20 for 5 dead dubia roaches? No lol


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
They have a couple 40 breeders with lights and stuff. They get box turtles / tortoises from time to time. Eventually they move them to a reptile specialist if the owner doesn't come for it. For now it's a matter of keeping him cared for in the interim and we know how awesome the selection and pricing of food at Petco etc... is lol

I'm sorry, $20 for 5 dead dubia roaches? No lol
Hopefully the owner will come get him.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Yeah. It's been really nice basking weather lately. I'm sure somebody is looking for their baby. He looks healthy, not like a pet they can't afford to feed so abandoned it. He definitely looks loved and maybe even from the same breeder as Alex, just a red morph. Probably just pulled a Wiggles and escaped on a nice day. Even has a good escape story too, just with a happier ending. "I was free, then the local PD arrested me for Jay walking" lol


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Was it checked whether the dragon is chipped and registered somewhere?
Didn't ask, but it's standard procedure. I assume it would apply to everything. I'd like to hope it's chipped, but honestly the thought hadn't occurred to me to chip Alex. Everyone else is chipped and we're considering feeding Loki an air tag for a pre warning system when his speed unexpectedly increases lol "BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!!"

Edit: OTOH I bet the wife had it done at her first exam just as her standard procedure lol Never asked or thought about it. I'm hyper protective of her after escape artist wiggles lol


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)

My dragon (bought him in Chile) is chipped. I have also seen this multiple times online, e.g. in the US.
Usually it is done before the dragon is even sold (was the case for my Taco here in Chile, also saw this for dragons from certain breeders in the US when looking it up).

Also other reptiles can be chipped. The chip is the size of approx. a grain of rice. In babies of soft-skin species like geckos it can be visible a bit while they are very small. (Saw this with leopard geckos here in the local reptile store.)
Not sure if this link works, but this is a chipped young leopard gecko from the reptile store here, chip still visible under the skin near the shoulder; a bit older it won't be visible anymore:


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4

My dragon (bought him in Chile) is chipped. I have also seen this multiple times online, e.g. in the US.
Usually it is done before the dragon is even sold (was the case for my Taco here in Chile, also saw this for dragons from certain breeders in the US when looking it up).

Also other reptiles can be chipped. The chip is the size of approx. a grain of rice. In babies of soft-skin species like geckos it can be visible a bit while they are very small. (Saw this with leopard geckos here in the local reptile store.)
Not sure if this link works, but this is a chipped young leopard gecko from the reptile store here, chip still visible under the skin near the shoulder; a bit older it won't be visible anymore:
Thanks for the info- I got hiccup from a breeder 6 years ago he didn't say anything about him being chipped- I know blaze is not chipped


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I was also not knowing that small animals could be chipped before I got Taco and saw them scanning his body for the chip and entered the chip number on his paperwork.

I wouldn't wonder if any of the dragons here in the forum are actually chipped but their human doesn't know. Maybe worth checking out at the next vet visit?


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I wonder if chipped if maybe the breeder could be identified that way. It would be very cool to know where Ruby came from. (My other 2 I know for sure who produced them)


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Other than with foot rings used for birds, the chip number itself doesn't tell anything, there is nothing encoded in that chip number - it must be registered somewhere (or at least, written down) to make a connection "this person has something to do with that animal".
Same with other animals: Sometimes people chip their dog or cat, and forget to register them* - then even if the pet is found somewhere, it cannot be attributed to an owner.
So I think if (!) a breeder writes down all the chip numbers of their reptiles, and you just want to check whether your reptile is from them: yes. But otherwise, I don't think so. As registering them, if, is done by the owner as a lost animal should be brought back to the owner, not breeder.
The only thing you could try is IMHO: Check at the next vet visit (or if you know somebody having a chip scanner, e.g. at a pet shelter) whether Ruby is checked. If, then look the number up online where pets are registered. Likely, he's not however as the owner registers them. You might only find a previous owner.

*In Germany it's TASSO, in Chile it's Registro Nacional de Mascotas, but for the US I don't know.

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