Local Breeders in Minnesota!

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im looking to purchase a beardie, and i have looked at TCR in store and i like the store and atmosphere but i want to explore my options. if anyone knows any breeders or speciality shops please post


Hatchling Member
I also am looking for a place to pick up a beardie here in MN. while im ok with buying from a breeder or i suppose even a store, i would prefer to buy a rescue.


BD.org Sicko
I can not be of much help with your questions, but I wanted to say welcome to the site to you both! :D

Tom, of TND dragons is across the lakes from you, cmapplebeck, in PA. He has nice babies and is a reliable breeder with lots of experience in shipping.

As for beardies that need to be rescued...ncc74656 try craigslist.org :wink: most the ones I see on there in our area could really use some rescuing and lots of TLC.

Again welcome to the both of you! :)


Original Poster
tyvm for the warm welcome! i hope to have a beardie soon!!! im super excited. ty for the info i will check them out but im looking for more local breeders so that i dont have to pay shipping... just gas lol


BD.org Sicko
You are welcome!
I will look around in the morning to see if any of the breeders I know and would recommend are in your area. :wink:


Original Poster
im trying to find a breeder that may have a couple month old beardie, ya know cuz i have a tough scheduel but other then working im going to devote all of my time to this beardie because i want this to go right!


Hatchling Member
Hey, I'm in Minnesota too! The breeder that I know from here is called Exotics & Aquatics. Seems like this guy has been around here breeding beardies for years. Many people now this place here, in the beardies world in MN this place is rather famous. Actually, I bought my beardie from a guy that bought it from Exotics & Aquatics.
Here you can check the website, but I believe they are not having anything until spring, but I might be wrong:



Original Poster
hey thanks for the site! i looked around online for some reviews and saw some nasty things..... about the shop but it could be from just a few ppl with a bad exp. who knows. but none the less it still kinda of deturs me from wanting to purchase a beardie from there. i shall keep looking and if i find a beardie breeder i will post info if i have the breeders disclosure.

E&A have been breeding dragons for 15yrs. the lady that i talked to from the store said they breed about 500 dragons a year.


Hatchling Member
Yeah, I saw the reviews before, it's just me that I don't pay much attention to that stuff. But anyways, you might as well go to the place and check it out, nothing to loose.
When I was looking for breeders here to buy a beardie, I couldn't find any besides E&A, TCR, or Leaping Lizard. So, maybe you should consider the option of buying online.


Where in Minnesota are you? I bought my first beardie from Leaping Lizards in Burnsville. I really liked it there, the woman who worked there seemed to know quite a bit about the animals she took care of. She owns a few of her own as well. She just bought 10, one month old red beardies from her breeder. There were a few hypos in the clutch.

Here's their site: http://www.leapinglizardsreptileshop.com/


Extreme Poster
I convinced the OP to check out Leaping Lizards, and they ended up adopting one of the adults they had there! :D Dudley was adopted from Leaping Lizards too. He loves coming back in for visits!


Original Poster
yup i did get an adult beardie and here he is
his name is Nacho
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol

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