Little red spots near beardie’s mouth?

FalkorBeardie :3

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
So, my beardie is a very clumsy little one, as are most, and I noticed a little red spot right on the edge of his mouth. I observed no red on the inside of his mouth, and he doesn’t let me touch his mouth in general, and black beards at me when I touch on his head for more than a few seconds.

I have a few suspicions about what it could be.
1. Blood, possibly from a mouth injury.
2. A burn, he likes to jump around and may have touched the top of his tank, which is HOT.
3. Pepper juice. He gets red pepper with his morning bug & green salad, so he may have just gotten some red pepper on his lip.
A link to the image I took:
(He did not enjoy camera in his face.)

[EDIT: So, turns out it really was just some pepper residue. I managed to get it off, and now I feel a little stupid. |._.|]
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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

After looking at his picture, it appears to me, to be the red pepper or the juice that stained the scale. Have you tried using a soft toothbrush to gently scrub the scales there to see if the red coloration comes of?


FalkorBeardie :3

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

After looking at his picture, it appears to me, to be the red pepper or the juice that stained the scale. Have you tried using a soft toothbrush to gently scrub the scales there to see if the red coloration comes of?

As mentioned above, he is really apprehensive about touching his face and mouth, however I will attempt to do as you suggested. Thank you.

AHBD Sicko
If it's just a bid of food residue don't worry about it, he'll be O.K.
And yes, some dragons aren't too thrilled about being pet or touched while others are tolerant of all types of handling. :)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Yes, they are stubborn. A lot of them don't like their face or mouth touched very much. If it's food then it should wear off. You could also try a nice warm bath also, unless he just hates baths! LOL


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