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hi all,,,new to this site and its very good.
we just want some advice regarding my lighting,,i have a 4 foot long 15 inches wide and 2 foot high tank.
we have a fluorescent reptile light 14 inches from the bottom of the tank,,,the light is 30 inches long with a shade.
we also have a 42 inch dayglo flourescent above the glass of the tank,,,just wondered if this was enough light for our young fella??
we do have a basking light which is 100w above a basking site which sits 11 inches from the light.
thankyou all


Original Poster


Juvie Member
Looks very nice but I'm not sure about the sand beacuse of impaction I use slate tiles plus it helps keep there nail down what UVB bulb is it if it's a repti glo it's no good repti sun or arcadia are the best if you would like to see pics off my tank and you have facebook add me (martyn poskitt) and I have done everything this site has given me all the info I need :)


Original Poster
must admit,,am gonna change the sand for tiles,,,what tiles should i use,,,i can get some slate roof tiles from work.
it is a repti-glo bulb so think i will change that too.
thanks for the info mate


Juvie Member
Glad to hear your going to change that. I'm not sure if you can use roof tiles because I think it's abit slippery but I went to b&q if your from the us then any home depo or garden center and ask for slate tiles the ones I have are a pain to cut I have broken my tile cutter tryin lol so at the moment I have 3 tiles in there with newspaper it's ok because when she poops you cam ether use a baby wip to clean it or just rip the paper out where she poops :)
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