Im building a new enclosure for my dragon out of an old table. I have decided on a plywood bottom that will later be covered with substrate and acrylic for the four sides. Im cutting out the top of the table and replacing it with the screen style top you would see at your local pet store. One problem Im having is deciding on lighting. I dont want to use heat lamps on top of the table because it will throw off the look of the new beardie paradise so Im considering flourescent lighting. My beardies new home will be about 28" tall and and about 54" long. I was looking at the Zoo Med Reptisun (Ten - 10.0) Fluorescent Bulb 48 Inches to mount on the inside of the top but im not sure if i should use one or have one on each side of the table. I dont know about the amount of heat they give off, brightness, or if they are even a practical lighting solution. Help please (especially if you use any of the reptisun lights).