Lighting for 120 gallon tank


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
Hello, Just want to check to make sure I have the correct lighting. I have a Reptile-Sun T% HO 34inch 39 watt UVB bulb and a 150 watt basking bulb. I need to know the distances these bulbs need to be from each other and the distances from the basking light surface and the cool side hide surface. My dragon is now over two years old so need to know the proper temps of the basking light surface, the cool side surface and the mid tank ambient air.

Thank you,



Beardie name(s)
The basking light surface should be 95-100 Fahrenheit and the cool side should be 70-80 Fahrenheit. I don't know about the distance between tank and heating lamp. I just kind of adjusted mine until it was the right temperatures. Humidity should be around 30-40% though it doesn't matter as much as the temperatures.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
The basking light surface should be 95-100 Fahrenheit and the cool side should be 70-80 Fahrenheit. I don't know about the distance between tank and heating lamp. I just kind of adjusted mine until it was the right temperatures. Humidity should be around 30-40% though it doesn't matter as much as the temperatures.
You dont want basking light any closer than 6" -- use a digital probe thermometer to get the temp-- distance for your UVB inside the tank 12-15 inches directly above the basking decor piece


Hatchling Member
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I was told when I bought the tank that I needed a 34 inch receptacle for 120 gallon tank and now have read a 24 inch would have been the right size. I spent a lot on the receptacle. Here is a pic and video of my setup. I have added a water fountain as our air is extremely dry to the point I mist the tank about two times a day and still can't ever get the humidity up over 20%. I live in Las Vegas, NV and our temps are reaching 120 this week. I measured the distances and the UVB and basking bulbs are 7 inches apart. The basking and UVB are 13 inches above the basking surface. The UVB is 13 inches above the cool hide surface. I have a Herp Stat thermostat that regulates the temp. I had to raise the temps after he came out of a long brumation to help him get back to eating. The vet wanted the basking rock surface to be between 105 and 110 but I think it is too warm for him now. I have backed it off to between 100 and 105. He wants to eat only every other day or even sometimes only three times per day. But when he eats he eats a lot of greens, maybe 3 dubia roaches, and two large hornworms.


Hatchling Member
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The video file was too large to load but here is a pic.


  • tempImageasXT1m.jpg
    221.5 KB · Views: 36

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
The video file was too large to load but here is a pic.
The tank looks good - surface basking temps 95-100 - are you using a digital probe hygrometer? If not I would get one exo terra sells them - place the probe on the back center wall


Hatchling Member
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Yes. I have a digital probe hygrometer with the probe placed on the back center wall. Our air is just so dry and then in the winter it gets so dry due to the central heat in the house. I have to spray mist his tank. This past winter it got to where there was no humidity. I will soon be getting a three month old zero female so I will reach out to you for guidance on her 40 gallon tank. Thank you for your help.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Yes. I have a digital probe hygrometer with the probe placed on the back center wall. Our air is just so dry and then in the winter it gets so dry due to the central heat in the house. I have to spray mist his tank. This past winter it got to where there was no humidity. I will soon be getting a three month old zero female so I will reach out to you for guidance on her 40 gallon tank. Thank you for your help.
The fountain only keeps the tank at 20% ? that's good


Hatchling Member
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For my 40 gallon tank I need some advice. I am not sure I will be able to place the UVB light inside the tank as I am afraid it will be too close to the basking surface. I can get a smaller, lower type basking rock if need be. The baby lizard will arrive tomorrow (about 2.5 months old). I have set up a 100 watt basking light for her and hope to regulate the basking temps to 105 - 110 degrees. How far apart should the basking bulb and UVB bulb be from each other? How far above the basking rock/hide and the cool side hide should the UVB bulb be? For a 40 gallon tank what size UVB receptacle/hood and UVB bulb should I get? Should I mount it inside or outside the screen? Thanks so much.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
For my 40 gallon tank I need some advice. I am not sure I will be able to place the UVB light inside the tank as I am afraid it will be too close to the basking surface. I can get a smaller, lower type basking rock if need be. The baby lizard will arrive tomorrow (about 2.5 months old). I have set up a 100 watt basking light for her and hope to regulate the basking temps to 105 - 110 degrees. How far apart should the basking bulb and UVB bulb be from each other? How far above the basking rock/hide and the cool side hide should the UVB bulb be? For a 40 gallon tank what size UVB receptacle/hood and UVB bulb should I get? Should I mount it inside or outside the screen? Thanks so much.
I would get the 24" fixture Zoo Med it comes w/a 5.0 bulb but that distance would need to be 6-8 inches from the basking decor piece - eventually if you upgrade that tank you will only need to upgrade the bulb to the 10.0 or lower the basking area as you mentioned its up to you 12-15 inches - 5.0 bulbs need to have NO obstruction - try and get the basking bulb and UVB as close as possible the dragon is going to go to the light he needs -- fine mesh screens the UVB needs to be inside the tank -- a wide hole type it can sit on top w/ the exception of the 5.0 bulb ---


Hatchling Member
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Ok. I got the size fixture I needed but I went ahead and got the 10.0 bulb. I mounted it inside the tank and as high up as I could get it. I drilled some small holes in the screen to mount some hooks and then used small chains to hoist up the fixture. Her basking platform is sitting at 10 inches below the UVB light so I guess I should find an even shorter platform? I had to use a 150 watt basking light and hook it up to the Herpestat thermostat to regulate the temp as I couldn't get it to 100 degrees with the 100 watt bulb. I have her hot side running 107 degrees and her cold side running 85 degrees. Does this sound ok for a two month old? Thanks for your help.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Ok. I got the size fixture I needed but I went ahead and got the 10.0 bulb. I mounted it inside the tank and as high up as I could get it. I drilled some small holes in the screen to mount some hooks and then used small chains to hoist up the fixture. Her basking platform is sitting at 10 inches below the UVB light so I guess I should find an even shorter platform? I had to use a 150 watt basking light and hook it up to the Herpestat thermostat to regulate the temp as I couldn't get it to 100 degrees with the 100 watt bulb. I have her hot side running 107 degrees and her cold side running 85 degrees. Does this sound ok for a two month old? Thanks for your help.
Yes-- watch the dragons behavior - keep us posted on the eating and activity

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