Let's talk about "Stress Marks"

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So, I'm admittedly very new here to the world of bearded dragons, but I'm curious about this "stress marks" thing. I'm a bit skeptical if "stress" is really what is going on here, at least with my new dragon. The reason I'm puzzled if "stress" is really the issue is that my new little one, about 8" long, is extremely striated and almost dark grey on her tummy while she's (she is still our best guess for now) basking on her rock under her Mega-Ray bulb. Her basking temp is 105-106 and she looks very content while basking. However, when you take her out and mess with her, and we move her to a Rubbermaid bin for cricket feeding, as we got tired of chasing uneaten crickets in her viv, within a couple of minutes, she's an almost pure creamy ivory color on her tummy. So, again, I'm skeptical about the marks really indicating "stress" because she should be much more stressed while we're messing with her and handling her than she is while she is just contentedly basking, I would think. I'm thinking her marks are more just temperature related than stress related. Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?


Juvie Member
I don't have any answers but would love to know the what others have to say! Mine will be darker in the viv sometimes and lighen right up when taken out. Or, be on the screen and darken up and I can not figure out why; not cold, doesn't want to get off (will fight to stay on it)... Last night I got home alittle late and his lights had gone out and he was in the corner with his head under his blanket, as dark as I have ever seen him and marks all over his belly. I took him out and snuggled him in his blanket and he brightened up in minutes. I think last night he was just mad that I didn't put him to bed correctly. :) Sometimes they get dark to absorb the heat, right? He will do that outside, but not the same way with the dark belly and all. ??????????????????????????????


Extreme Poster
*stress marks* as they are called are caused by alot of diffrent things. They turn themselves dark to absorb heat. When they are unhappy or stressed out they can get them. That normaly happens to new beardies being introuduced to a new home or changes to their vivs.

All of mine normaly have creamy white bellys. If they get cool, go outside, moved to a new location they normaly get the stress marks for a bit. Then back to a creamy belly. When we first got the girls at 5 weeks they had stress marks for a good 2 weeks intill they adjusted to their homes.

I think she just enjoys being handled. They can tell you when they are happy and unhappy.


Juvie Member
He gets mad, and darkens up, but once his tail (actually the last half of it) got really dark and stayed like that for a while. Is that all part of it too, or was that something else? It did go back to normal and I haven't seen it do that since.


Hatchling Member
Stress marks really aren't a clear indicator of anything.

Young beardies often have them all the time, for no alarming reason.
Some people say their beardies get them when they bask.
Thor only gets them when he's hungry.
Some people say it can mean that a beardie is too cold or too hot.
Some people say beardies about to brumate/getting out of brumation get them.
Some people say females get them when about to lay clutches.
Some people say they have to do with mood.

I, personally, think they're better off left ignored.
They can't mean any definite thing, they just worry new owners.

Honestly, a beardie could have them for no reason at all.


I think my beardie has had stress marks the entire year ive had him and my temps seems just fine, the only time they go away is when he needs the toilet lol he jumps all around the tank darting about everywhere then they come back after hes done. very annoying just cant seem to get rid of them grr


it might be a lot of work for you but you can try switching up what your using for a basking spot. say your using a rock try switching it with a log your beardie might prefer the different texture and the way the wood holds the temp, or even a different rock thats lighter or darker in color, my female does the same thing so i switched her basking spot from a wooden shelter box to a flat rock and her stress marks went away
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