Leopard Gecko not eating.

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Hatchling Member
I tried waxworms too but mine wouldn’t eat them, hopefully yours will like them! Since she’s still pooping and active maybe she’s clearing out her system getting ready for brumation? It’s good that her tail has remained fat. If not full brumation I suspect the winter slow down/semi brumation. Some of them just naturally slow down during the colder months.


Original Poster
I hope she eats them too! If she won’t, luckily my male Leo will eat anything that moves.
I just think it’s odd that our male Leo hasn’t changed or been affected at all by the colder weather. But then again, all lizards are different.
She’s such a sweetheart so it breaks my heart that she won’t eat. I found this appetite stimulant for reptiles, but I don’t know if I should give it to her or not. I don’t want to stress her out.


Original Poster
I have an update! (Yes a day later lol)
I had bought some Black Soldier Fly Larvae for my beardy and I had to give some to my male Leo tonight since he ate all of his crickets.
I thought, why not try to give them to my female Leo as well? So I did and she ate one! I know one isn’t a lot but it’s a huge improvement. I tried a second one but to no avail.
I’m excited she ate something though! I’m going to try not to get too excited about it, just in case she decides not to eat anymore tomorrow or later. :D


Hatchling Member
That’s great! It’s a start! It’s quite possible shes bored with her food. I had rexi on Dubias for a long time. A couple years. Out of nowhere she started refusing them, but this is also right before she went into brumation so I figured she was just refusing food because of that. But to this day she will just turn her nose at them. It’s so odd cause she used to chow them down.


Original Poster
I don’t know if you’ll see this but she is doing tremendously now. She’s always asking for food! Always eating and being active. She will only eat for me though. She won’t eat for my husband at all but hey! at least she’s eating!
I’d like to say, thank you for all your help with this issue.
I appreciate all your advice and I hope your leopard gecko is still doing well! We sure do get attached to these sweet babies!
Thanks again! :D


Hatchling Member
Of course! I’m glad to hear things picked back up for her! And yes I never thought I’d be emotionally attached to a reptile but here I am lol. Both of mine, the Leo and the dragon, are brumating now. We sure do miss them. Hopefully rexi’s (leo) won’t last as long this time. This year she went down a bit earlier than last year so hopefully she’ll be out of it in a couple months. Feel free to message me if you ever need to or just want to chat!
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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.
bro went to bed already, it’s 10:36 pm
Definitely going to be using this image if I ever catch a fence lizard again.

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