So after getting my fist beardie I have fallen in love with reptiles and have been looking to expand. I was originally thinking about another dragon when a friend of mine asked if i could take her gecko as they no longer wanted him and could care for him. I told her I would think about it, as I know nothing about them and wanted to do some research. However, surprisingly, i didnt find much. Is there anyone on here who has or have had geckos with prior knowledge theyd be willing to share?
To give a little background info I'll tell you what i know.. He came to my friend housed with a bearded dragon who has since passed (supposedly old age) He's been living in a 10 gallon tank since. Has several heat rocks, a light that she wasnt sure what it was, and gets fed meal worms once a week..
If anyone has seen my posts about Nova (my lovely girl) you'll know she is super spoiled and is my little love bug. If i obtain another reptile he will be treated exactly the same, so I'd like to know whats appropriate to house him and keep him happy.
To give a little background info I'll tell you what i know.. He came to my friend housed with a bearded dragon who has since passed (supposedly old age) He's been living in a 10 gallon tank since. Has several heat rocks, a light that she wasnt sure what it was, and gets fed meal worms once a week..
If anyone has seen my posts about Nova (my lovely girl) you'll know she is super spoiled and is my little love bug. If i obtain another reptile he will be treated exactly the same, so I'd like to know whats appropriate to house him and keep him happy.