Lab results help Pinworms and Coccidia


Beardie name(s)
Lyra and Reginald

I got the following back from the faecal test for my dragon, would this count indicate treatment required? I used an online service that do not remotely prescribe at this time, so I would need to take this to an exotics vet. Thought I'd check here first, as I know all dragons have some parasites present at least some of the time, looking for what the acceptable range is and if its a yeah just definitely go get treatment?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
View attachment 78332

I got the following back from the faecal test for my dragon, would this count indicate treatment required? I used an online service that do not remotely prescribe at this time, so I would need to take this to an exotics vet. Thought I'd check here first, as I know all dragons have some parasites present at least some of the time, looking for what the acceptable range is and if its a yeah just definitely go get treatment?
Please have Tracie advise on this shes the vet tech and can read the results and help you
flagging to her

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I would likely recommend a basic treatment of a dewormer, but just for the pinworms. That is a
moderate level but yes, as all living things, the normal gut flora of bacteria holds true. If you can
decrease the pinworm level then the coccidia level should reduce too.
Is your dragon maintaining his weight or having appetite problems right now?



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Lyra and Reginald

I would likely recommend a basic treatment of a dewormer, but just for the pinworms. That is a
moderate level but yes, as all living things, the normal gut flora of bacteria holds true. If you can
decrease the pinworm level then the coccidia level should reduce too.
Is your dragon maintaining his weight or having appetite problems right now?

Hi, thank you, he has really gone off bugs and salad combined, and is very lethargic, he looks a bit skinnier than before.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

You are very welcome. Ok, so if he isn't eating as he should be & he is a bit lethargic then he would
benefit from some treatment.
Are you able to get him to a vet for that?
I have an online reptile supply store & have dewormers & anti-coccidial meds, too. If you can't get to
a vets, I can post my website here for you to check out.



Sub-Adult Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Sir Henry of Scales
i don't have experience with ordering anti-parasitics online, but i do order from tracie for liquid vitamins and calcium, powdered tart cherry juice, and charcoal powder for our first aid kit. top notch as far as order return time and things like that. i've never had a problem with an order. just for your own information while ordering things.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Lyra and Reginald

You are very welcome. Ok, so if he isn't eating as he should be & he is a bit lethargic then he would
benefit from some treatment.
Are you able to get him to a vet for that?
I have an online reptile supply store & have dewormers & anti-coccidial meds, too. If you can't get to
a vets, I can post my website here for you to check out.

Thank you, I'm taking him to an exotics vet today thankfully there is one now in my area :)


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Lyra and Reginald

You are very welcome. Ok, so if he isn't eating as he should be & he is a bit lethargic then he would
benefit from some treatment.
Are you able to get him to a vet for that?
I have an online reptile supply store & have dewormers & anti-coccidial meds, too. If you can't get to
a vets, I can post my website here for you to check out.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Lyra and Reginald
He got a dose of panacur and dose will be repeated in 2 weeks time, if he tolerates this well they said they will give him a dose of antibiotics for the coccidia, will keep an eye on him over the next few weeks but hopefully he'll be ok now. :)

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
He got a dose of panacur and dose will be repeated in 2 weeks time, if he tolerates this well they said they will give him a dose of antibiotics for the coccidia, will keep an eye on him over the next few weeks but hopefully he'll be ok now. :)
Antibiotics wont kill coccidia -- albon and panacur are usually is what is prescribed - albon is pretty harsh on the stomachs

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That sounds great, the Panacur should work just fine. Keep him well hydrated while he is on the
medication to help out his kidneys. What antibiotic or medication will he be given for the coccidia,
or do you know yet?
I would consider using a probiotic for him to help out also.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Lyra and Reginald

That sounds great, the Panacur should work just fine. Keep him well hydrated while he is on the
medication to help out his kidneys. What antibiotic or medication will he be given for the coccidia,
or do you know yet?
I would consider using a probiotic for him to help out also.

Will do, the vet said they use trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That sounds good. The TMS is ok, but sulfa based so it's a bit harsh. If you do use it, be sure
to keep your dragon well hydrated. I would recommend using a probiotic also to help keep his
system balanced.


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