Kratos And Xerxes(even if he is a she)

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We lost our little man on Friday OUTSIDE! I had let Kratos out of his cage because he was going stir crazy. He wanted to go that the weather has been nice I put him out in his cage everyday....however friday I just let him roam in the house because I was in a hurry. NOW I wish I would have taken the time to put him out in his cage. I didn't realize when I let him out that one of the kids opened on of the windows that I had taken the screens off to wash and hadn't put back on. The windows are only 11 inches from the floor and are his favorite basking spot in the house. I left him out while I ran errands because our living rooms where he roams are totally safe and there is nowhere for him to hide. When we came home my son started looking for him and we quickly realized that he had gotten out. We looked all over our back yard and went to the neighbors houses. I've talked to the neighbors behind us and on our court, I put an add on craigslist, and today I'm putting up flyers around the neighborhood. My fear is that a cat or hawk got him and I'm just worried sick. Those of you who have lost your beardies outside and found them, what were the temps outside, and how far from home did they get? Can you think of anything else that I should be doing?


Sub-Adult Member
OMG!!! :( I don't have any advice, but I am so sorry. I really hope you find your baby soon!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am so sorry about your little one, that is so sad. :cry:
Sometimes, there are happy endings though, so keep hope. I have been lucky that we have never lost one outside. There are a good number of people here on the forum who have lost them but did find them.
I hope they chime in to give more advice. Hopefully a hawk or cat did not get him.



Gray-bearded Member
try looking up in trees around your house. sometimes my beardie tries to climb up them. he also tries to get behind a fence post that is against my house to be between the two.

when you've taken him outside in the past was there one area he always tried to go to?


Juvie Member
I'm so sorry about your situation. I just can't imagine what you're going through - this must be making you sick! :cry: This may be a dumb idea, but maybe you could set up his basking light and a cup full of his favorite bugs right outside the window where he escaped? I've heard of people doing this in their houses when their beardies got lost inside, but maybe it would work outside too...? Very best wishes to you, hope it all works out in the long run. For now, check out this story for comfort


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks every one for the encouragement!!! I do wish I knew just how far he would stray from home with it being so warm he could last a long while. I do find comfort that our neighborhood is very landscaped and there are water sources for him but the down side is that it may take a while for him to pop up. I put up flyers all over and I still have about 20 more to put up. I have looked everywhere in our yard, up in trees, under planter boxes, on the fence, and I go into the yard next door to me every day as well. Here are the flyers we put up today.



Juvie Member
Sorry to hear about your beardie it must be very stressful for you. One thing to consider though is that many beardies get scared outside and some will even run and hide a bird can spook them, a dog, a bike, a plane , etc. So keep that in mind when you look for him, he will most likely be hiding so just think of the layout of your area and look everywhere you think he might hide in. Also, try to gently move loose debris such as leaves as he may have burrowed. Best of luck to you I wish the best for you.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
MBrian":k8j7t4dq said:
Sorry to hear about your beardie it must be very stressful for you. One thing to consider though is that many beardies get scared outside and some will even run and hide a bird can spook them, a dog, a bike, a plane , etc. So keep that in mind when you look for him, he will most likely be hiding so just think of the layout of your area and look everywhere you think he might hide in. Also, try to gently move loose debris such as leaves as he may have burrowed. Best of luck to you I wish the best for you.

I know he gets spooked easy but its hard to wrap my head around just how far he'd go. Do I mainly focus on my yard, street, one block away, five blocks away? I look in my yard at least 4-5 times a day..and walk a few blocks throughout the neighborhood to see if he is basking anywhere. He's been gone since Fri afternoon. I let animal control know but I haven't called the spca. I'm just hoping that we will hear something now that we have flyers out.


Juvie Member
I'm so sorry. I hope he comes hack home. Your son must be devastated. My only suggestion is to put his basking spot or cage outside. There's no way to know if he actually knows where his home is but I lost my gerbils once and I put the cage out with the door open and the next morning one was inside and the morning after the second had returned and they were both inside safe and sound. It might be a long shot but its the only thing I can think of.

Check the base of pine trees if you have them. They provide a lit of cover and usually have a good layer of needles that he found borrow in. Id stick to your more immediate area just because I agree with others as hes probably scared and spending mire time hiding then wandering around in the open.

Ill be thinking of you all and I wish I could offer more comfort for you and your family.


Gray-bearded Member
How terrifying for you,,and probably him,,,poor thing. I wish you all the best in finding him..If I were closer I would be helping you. Will keep you in my prayers.


Extreme Poster
We just had a situation where a beardie was lost in early December and was found alive in a shed 5 months later. The owner thought he had run into the woods but he hid in a shed and stayed there the whole winter. Luckily it has been warm. Don't give up hope and keep looking. The 10 year old has a really good chance of finding him. Kids are creative thinkers. Good luck!!


Juvie Member
Did you find him yet? that is just awful. How old was he? if he is full size, at least you may have a better chance of seeing him. If he was a baby, chances are slim. But, dont give up hope!, he is probably hiding somewhere and is afraid. I know mine would eventually hide somewhere and just stay there forever if they could. They get very afraid of outside noises.

Let us know when you find him. Good Luck


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Still no Kratos and not even one call! I know it sounds strange but if it was colder outside I'd feel like there was a better possibility of us finding him. I don't think they wander as far when its cold out and they seem to burrow more often. Its so warm here been in the 80's and 90's just perfect weather for him and the whole neighborhood with in a 3 mile radius is landscaped so there are TONS of bushes, rocks and, trees all around to provide shelter. I'm not giving up hope by any means but I do feel like this may not have a happy ending. I keep looking in the same places thinking he just gonna pop up somewhere...and I hope to god he does!
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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