We lost our little man on Friday OUTSIDE! I had let Kratos out of his cage because he was going stir crazy. He wanted to go outside...now that the weather has been nice I put him out in his cage everyday....however friday I just let him roam in the house because I was in a hurry. NOW I wish I would have taken the time to put him out in his cage. I didn't realize when I let him out that one of the kids opened on of the windows that I had taken the screens off to wash and hadn't put back on. The windows are only 11 inches from the floor and are his favorite basking spot in the house. I left him out while I ran errands because our living rooms where he roams are totally safe and there is nowhere for him to hide. When we came home my son started looking for him and we quickly realized that he had gotten out. We looked all over our back yard and went to the neighbors houses. I've talked to the neighbors behind us and on our court, I put an add on craigslist, and today I'm putting up flyers around the neighborhood. My fear is that a cat or hawk got him and I'm just worried sick. Those of you who have lost your beardies outside and found them, what were the temps outside, and how far from home did they get? Can you think of anything else that I should be doing?