keep my beardie in the garden


New member
Hello first iam new here i need some help please
Today we bought a bearddragon of 2 years and i ask if i could keep him in the garden and they told me yes
so they sold me a rabbit cage so he can stay in the shade or beeing protected of the rain
So we put in some big stones and it looks nice and she likes it she was in the sun all day
But now iam reading on the internet that they need to stay in the heat 24 hours so now i get doudts can i keep this animal in the garden ???
And is she gonna be ok in de niht the day i think is ok but the night
and untill when can i keep here in the garden ????
I life in Durban


Hatchling Member

your dragon can be kept in the garden, if the weather allows and if she's safe from predators. She needs a place to shelter in case of rain and cold.

I would however suggest you get a cage and lights ready, it's gettting quite nippy already and you should keep her inside for the winter.

Dragons need roughly 12 hours of light and heat. it's fine to turn off the lights and heat for night time.

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