Jasper is Gone

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Juvie Member
Oh my. I haven't been on in a couple of weeks either. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I can't imagine what you are feeling.

On a positive note, remember all of the good times that you have had with Jasper. As everyone has pointed out, he was quite the character and I too have enjoyed reading your posts regarding his antics.

Chin up! Jasper will live on in your memories and thoughts....be happy you got to spend the time that you did with him...


BD.org Addict
I havent been on in AWHILE but.. I decided to look around today which normally I dont. and this was the first thing I saw.. I remember all that the 2 of you have been thru.. I am sorry for your loss. Jasper was quite the fighter and you did a wonderful job with him.


Sub-Adult Member
Read your sad news a couple of days ago, but needed some time to deal with it before I could respond. My first instinct was, "she can't be serious! Not Mr. Grumpy Beard!" . My second move was to run into Izzie's room and haul him out of his bed and just cuddle him close.

Super Jasper was more than just a bearded dragon, he was an inspiration to many of us here. He has now gone on to kick some metaphysical butt in heaven, but he will live on in all of our memories and hearts. My deepest condolences on your loss.



Gray-bearded Member
oh man, i cant believe i missed this thread. i am so sorry to hear that, jasper was a beautiful dragon. you have my condolences :cry: .


Gray-bearded Member
I am so sorry! :cry: I haven't been able to spend much time on the board lately either, but jasper was one of my favorite characters here! I know how hard this must be for you. But you gave that precious beardie the best life possible! That was obvious in all of your pics and posts. I hope you knw that in your heart and that it is a comfort to you.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Sandi,

I had missed this post also, until recently. We had moved & everything has been crazy lately.
I feel horrible that you lost Jasper that way so suddenly. :cry: :cry: I am very sorry as I know you will be very lonely at first not seeing his little onery face. He was a sweet boy & had a wonderful life thanks to you.
None of us on here will ever forget him, or all of his stories as well. We are all here for you whenever you need us.
You will see him again.


Jasper's Mom

BD.org Addict
Original Poster
My mom said to me that Steve Irwin is looking after Jasper for me until I get there. I couldn't ask for better than that! The way I see it, Steve has roughly 60 years to teach Jasper to hunt on his own before I get there. Get on it, Steve!


Gray-bearded Member
Hi Jaspers Mom!
I hope you are well..I just backed tracked your post to see Jaspers good life w/ you.He was really awsum beardie & you know hes in the big "viv" in the sky!

My Malibu is getting ready to lay her 5th clutch of unfertile eggs since june,so...I am waiting patiently while she runs back n forth in her viv.She laid the last 4 at the playground but now its too cold for her outside so i filled her litterpan w/ playground substrate & i am hoping today is the day so she will STOP DRIVING ME CRAZY!
she does not realize just becouse she can see its sunny out the window that it is really 55* outside!


I am so sorry to hear about Jasper.
I've not been one of the most chatty of users but even us quiet lot enjoyed the photos of your gorgeous baby and i was in tears when i read your news.
I hope you will soon be able to remember the good times you had together :love5:
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Definitely going to be using this image if I ever catch a fence lizard again.
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She’s being really cute today, aww
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