Jasper is Gone

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BD.org Addict
Retired Moderator
I don't know what to say......but I guess it doesn't matter because words could not possibly convey how terribly sorry I am for your loss. He was such a little mascot for any beardie that had obstacles. I always thought he's a special little boy.
I'm sure in time you will be able to think back on all those precious memories without feeling your heart break a little bit more.

I hope you don't mind me doing this, if so just let me know and I'll remove it.

Bye-bye big boy -we'll see you at the rainbow bridge and if you happen to run across Louie tell him I love him. :(


Juvie Member



wow, even though i dont really know you personally or Jasper when you said that i just started crying... Im so sorry :cry:


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
vickson420":ebbf3 said:
diamc":ebbf3 said:
:cry: That really sheds the tears.
:cry: That pretty much says it all but that photo is just wonderful.

Yes, the photo is wonderful, it's Jasper. :love5: That picture is an amazing tribute to him.

Jasper's Mom

BD.org Addict
Original Poster
I don't mind at all - I love that photo of him. Mr. Grumpy Jasper in the flowers. It really means a lot to me to know that so many people love Jasper like I do. He was my whole world. My vet loves Jasper too - he invested just as much of himself in Jasper as I did. We had dinner tonight and talked about the Big Guy and all the funny memories we have of him. It was really nice to have someone to talk to, as much for him as for me. After all, I have everyone here, but he doesn't have a community like this that he can go to, to talk about this kind of thing. Jasper was one of his 'favourites', and he is just as devastated as I am. I know that eventually I'll be able to remember Jas without crying my eyes out, but right now the wound is so raw. It still doesn't seem real. I can't believe that if I turn around right now, I won't see him giving me the stink-eye from atop his plush bed. :(


Gray-bearded Member
That photo is beautiful - he really looks like he is smiling.

I'm so sorry Sandi.. This is just terrible..

R.I.P little angel


Sub-Adult Member
So sorry to hear about Jasper's passing. I love that picture of him in the flowers. At least he didn't suffer before he left.
God Bless


Juvie Member
im so sorry to read this about jasper.. ::hugs:: I to enjoyed looking at jaspers pic's and the stories were great as well. I also know jasper had a wonderful life and felt the love his mom gave him.I'll keep you in my prayers.


Sub-Adult Member
This breaks my heart, so I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel... There's no one's pics and stories I looked forward to seeing more than Jasper's. My heart goes out to you.


Extreme Poster
I'm so very sorry for you :cry:
Like utahraptr I certainly didn't expect to read that he had passed. I don't know what else to say, love and hugs to you - Laura x


Extreme Poster
NO !!!

my heart dropped when i read the title. i HOPED it was that he ran and hide. the poor guy was one of the most adorable, and loving characters i had seen. he was such a hunk of a beardie, and he worked that beardie bar stool for all it was worth! he was one hell of a beardie, and will be missed a whole lot, i cant imagine him not being there for you. i

will forever remember super Jasper, in all his perfectness, nubb and all..

im so sorry to hear the news, i can only hope that one day, you will find another little guy that has the heart and soul of Jasper within him, there will never be a replacement for him, but its good to have a reminder, that he's still with you.

i know he's waiting behind the pearly gates for mommy to give him big cuddles and a gut full of worms. i know he loved you, and awfully thankful for everything you did for him.

EDIT: ...AND, you will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be Jasper's Mom.

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Sandi, I read you post yesterday about Jasper in the memorial post, and it made me cry. It was soo beautiful and well written. I, too can't believe he's gone. There have been way to many beardie deaths this month.
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bro went to bed already, it’s 10:36 pm
Definitely going to be using this image if I ever catch a fence lizard again.
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She’s being really cute today, aww
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