Jace, Zy, Sorin, Ava, Nissa, & Koth -->Update 12-18 w/ Pics

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I'm relatively new to this website, though I have posted questions prior to this "blog." I fell in love with bearded dragons on a trip to Petco. I've always wanted a reptile and I have a dragon statue collection at home so it seemed perfect. Jace, however, was not my first beardie. My first beardie was one of the two smaller ones. The employees hadn't gotten around to putting on of the little ones up for adoption because he would have a seizure whenever he was picked up. They were pretty sure the one I had picked wasn't the seizure one. I bought him the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and am sad to say I returned him that following Monday. This one had seizures whenever he was put down. I knew, being a new owner, that it would be better for the both of us if I returned him to Petco and that was when I got Jace, the love of my life. On a side note, the two that suffered from seizures got adopted to loving homes where someone can take care of them :D . Anyways, on to my picture show.

This was my first night with Jace. He no longer has that cage - he is in a bigger one and on tiles instead.

The first week montage:



I loved the way he just dug a bed and curled up.

He was so little!

This is his new cage - the sand in the dig bowl has been replaced with flaxseed

My little poser :D


He loves climbing on my shirt and just hang

I loved the natural blue that came out - don't know how that happened

Again, his dig box before we changed it:

He loves my computer

That's it for now, but he's a very photogenic man so there will be more to follow.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
....An embarrassment. Both she and Tess have Jace and Zy's old caves with a paper plate holding either moss or eco-earth. Tess doesn't spend too long in it, but Ava never leaves it. I wanted to actually talk to you, once I thought of a theme, of making them salt-dough moist hides (assuming salt dough holds moisture well) with a tray on the bottom with a 1/2" lip so they can both have eco-earth without it getting all over the place and a top.


BD.org Addict
Oh my gosh! I was just going to suggest that! :blob5: What I'd do, is pick up a $ store container, then form the dough around it so you'd have a "shell" of sorts. After the dough is sealed, it should hold up to any extra moisture really well. I'll have to put a small hole in the top or side of both the container and the dough for ventilation, but I can hide it well. I'd love to do that! :D


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Awesome! Will talk to Paul about themes (feel free to give suggestions) and will mail you the tree bowls in trade :D Assuming you still want them.


BD.org Addict
Sure! I love those bowls! Themes....hmmm... not sure. She's Paul's babe. That's a tricky one. Besides being a brat, what's her personality? :lol:


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Ava's very calm and quiet. She also loves the dark places.

Tess is a bombshell :lol:. She squeaks and screams, and seems to like being out during the day.


BD.org Addict
Hmmm...That's interesting. What about a Day and Night Theme. I could do sun for one and moon/stars for the other. That'd be something new for sure! :D Up to you though, what ever you'd like for them. :wink:


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
I like the day and night theme! Paul's not paying for it so my choice! :lol: That would be really fun to design their vivs for thr stackable too. And this way it's not same old desert. :lol: Good idea!


BD.org Addict
I think the contrast would be stunning! Now, all you have to decide is if you'd like them to have square, rectangle or round hides. Square fits the best, but I kinna see the sun hide as round. Let me know :D


BD.org Addict
Aw, thank you. I want to make them look really rich. Gold for on and a pretty black/blue for the other. I get the containers tonight or tomorrow then send you pics as I go through the process! I really excited over this, I love out of the box ideas! :D


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
I love YOUR out of the box ideas. Mine never turn out right.... Except for having reptiles as pets. :lol:
Can't wait! Will mail out the dishes Monday. I'll sanitize them today.


BD.org Addict
No rush. This really is my therapy. I'm calm and happy when I work with the dough. I just love to sculp and create. Couldn't draw to save my soul, but dough or clay just seems to work for me :D


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
That's awesome that you have an outlet! It's probably because you can pound it and get it into the forms you want. I plan to put you through a lot of work if you are all right with it. I want to get cool and interesting themes for Jace and Zy.


BD.org Addict
No problem. I'm trying to engineer a bridge design. I want to know how far I can push the medium. My ultimate dream is to one day see my designs in resin. One can dream, right... :p
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