Is this something I should worry about?


Beardie name(s)
My bearded dragon went to the vet 10 days ago and is perfectly healthy. But today I noticed this around his eyelid? I don’t know what it is but he doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort. It’s just the one eye. I can’t tell if he’s shedding or what. He might be because he does start around this time (he usually sheds twice a year, once right at the start one once in fall.) I have to make a follow up with the vet to get him tested for ADV anyway but is this something I should worry about? I will attach a picture I took. I dunno I’m keeping an eye on it. His humidity has been a bit low but I’m working on fixing it.


  • 2BCC3742-32BE-4865-9D55-B96EF00DFE69.jpeg
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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
To me it looks very much like him starting shedding.
Looks the same on my dragon. I once also found a perfect "ring" of shed from one of his eye.
Ok thank you so much for your input! It’s comforting that he’s probably just starting shedding. I just haven’t seen any other bits of shed yet so that wasn’t entirely at the front of my mind. I tend to go to the worst case scenario. Thank you again!

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I agree it's shed. Humidity high or low is pretty much a none issue. The only time it IS an issue is if there is some other underlying problem.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I agree it's shed. Humidity high or low is pretty much a none issue. The only time it IS an issue is if there is some other underlying problem.
Great! Thank you for helping calm my nerves. It’s good to have a second opinion to reassure. I couldn’t find any pictures of anything like this so I got worried and came here. Glad to know it’s not anything serious. Have a good one!

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