>Ok so lets change the diet --- first we need fresh salads every day
Nutrition Content ignore the kale info its >outdated -- next we need live insects - crickets or BSFL or silk worms -- the crunchy crickets are going to >help w/ the plaque thats on the teeth -
The challenge with this is that she will not eat. Literally will not open her mouth for feed. We actually do make her a fresh salad every day just in case, but she never eats it (or anything else) willingly. We can only syringe feed her.
>I would google live feeders for bearded dragons in Canada see what other places in Canada pop up I >know there are other suppliers
We have adequate access to feeders (we have another bearded dragon btw), but again the issue is that she will not eat them.
>the screen on your tank is a fine mesh or a wide holed type
Wide holes. It's actually a bit close than the 10-12 inches, more like 8-10. I have a handheld UV meter, and I use it to measure relative UVB. The amount of UV being measured is almost exactly the same as our other dragon's enclosure where the UV bulb is inside the tank and about 10-12 inches away. Since they measure the same, my assumption is that we should be good. If we move it inside the tank, then we would have to lower the basking spot dramatically, and the heat from the heat lamps won't reach her properly.
>is she basking ? Is she pooping ?
She basks constantly. She does move around, so it looks like she is able to regulate to what she wants. Pooping yes almost every day. Poops are quite moist, but she is taking in a fair amount of liquid due to syringe feeding.
>- I would get her some BSFL and use those as a salad lure -
YEs, that would be great if she actually ate anything

No amount of luring gets her to eat since she ignores all food. Treat, salad, BSFL, hornworms, etc. She has not eaten anything on purpose for 2 months.
I do have an insect-proof bowl like that, but we're really a ways off from worrying about the type of bowl - it's not even on her radar.
We got her About Dec 15 - she was like a month old (which makes her about 3 mo now). She had a URI right away, which we treated (antibiotics). Right around the same time, she stopped eating, and got down to 29g - she was quite close to death. That's when we started syringe feeding her. We brought her back from the brink, but she still did not eat. We got her tested for parasites, and she had a small amount of coccidia - we treated that, thinking it would solve the eating issue, but it did not. We are getting her tested for ADV (as well as the other dragon just in case)
Here is the thread where we discussed it:
I posted this earlier in another forum, but came up short and we are desperate for any information at all that can help.. Things are getting a lot more urgent (the longer this goes on, the tougher it's going to be), and I'm hoping that I can find some people who have experience with this to...
The tooth issue we just discovered today.