Rkmuhammad":3ea75 said:
Last night I bought my first BD from a local pet store specializing in reptiles (mainly BDs) and birds. They breed their own BDs and of the adults I saw in the store I didn't notice any with special patterns or colors, except 1 female that was red/orange. Of the babies they were all the typical dark brownish colors except for the one I picked out. Can anyone tell me if I got lucky or is this a fairly "normal" BD?
It looks like an orange hypo. They are lighter tan with orange in the spots along the back, some have more orange and others less and you really can't tell how much orange until the baby grows and sheds. It might have some bright orange near its ears or little stripes of orange color on the head and legs. Once it calms down and isn't stressed you should be able to see the colors better.
I have been looking over colors trying to decide on a new baby and hypomelanistic dragons are lighter with accents of orange, red, yellow, etc. with normal looking eyes.
Translucents will have very light bellies (almost see through) with all dark eyes (they kinda look beady) and clear nails....with hypo translucents having the different colors.
I hope I am telling you correctly.
Normal color phase dragons are the tan/brown and are usually the least expensive, then the hypos are the next up the price ladder and the translucents are even more expensive usually. So if you have an orange hypo you should have a nice looking adult when she grows up, if you like orange/red.
Look around in the for sale section of the forum at some dragons the breeders here have to offer and you can get an idea of what color yours is. You could also ask the shop if you could see the parents. But all dragons turn out a little different so I don't think you can predict the color it will be as an adult.