I’m not an expert by any means but it looks fine to me? It looks like he’s well hydrated and the urate looks soft which is good and no undigested bugs.
Thank you. First time keeper lol I don’t any experience when it comes to these guys so it’s all new.I’m not an expert by any means but it looks fine to me? It looks like he’s well hydrated and the urate looks soft which is good and no undigested bugs.
Yeah it’s amazing how much time you’ll spend looking at and analyzing poopThank you. First time keeper lol I don’t any experience when it comes to these guys so it’s all new.
One piece of advice, don’t listen to anyone who says you have to do this and you have to buy this light and this fixture and you have to that and this. There is sound advice you need to follow to keep these guy’s healthy but lots of different approaches to accomplish this goal.Yeah it’s amazing how much time you’ll spend looking at and analyzing pooplol. But it tells you a lot about your keeping practices. If you have any other questions just ask it can be overwhelming at first but gets much easier has you live and learn what works for you and your dragon.
Actually there are certain lights you have to buy and there are certain fixtures that actually work better than others. A good example of this is with the UV lighting. If you are not using a decent quality tube light at the correct distance from the basking area and are instead using a 'coil' type uv light you are definitely going to have medical problems with your dragon.One piece of advice, don’t listen to anyone who says you have to do this and you have to buy this light and this fixture and you have to that and this. There is sound advice you need to follow to keep these guy’s healthy but lots of different approaches to accomplish this goal.
Again exactly my point you don’t “have”to use t5 tubes and fixtures to raise healthy dragons there are many options of UVB lighting. Mercury vapor bulbs of certain reputable companies (Arcadia and Megaray) are great bulbs and Metal Halide and even some LED sources and Arcadia makes some good compact fluorescent bulbs etc. when you say things like “you have to buy high quality uvb tubes” it’s very closed minded and very opinionated. These subjective comments about you have to buy this fixture and that bulb are ridiculous and that’s exactly why I said do not listen to someone who says these kinds of things. The more knowledgeable keepers will always give you suggestions but never say things like you have to do this. Give someone new to bearded dragons all the healthy options of UVB sources(there’s more than one!!) to provide their dragon. When we give advice or suggestions make them just that, a way to point someone in the right direction and let them come to their own conclusions. NeverActually there are certain lights you have to buy and there are certain fixtures that actually work better than others. A good example of this is with the UV lighting. If you are not using a decent quality tube light at the correct distance from the basking area and are instead using a 'coil' type uv light you are definitely going to have medical problems with your dragon.
Telling people not to use coil UV is not being 'ignorant' in fact its the exact opposite. If you do your research then you will find that coil type UV bulbs only have an effective range of a couple of inches due to the wavelength of the light they emit. People think just because its uv and its in an enclosure its 'fit for purpose' and doing it's job when a lot of the time it isn't.Again exactly my point you don’t “have”to use t5 tubes and fixtures to raise healthy dragons there are many options of UVB lighting. Mercury vapor bulbs of certain reputable companies (Arcadia and Megaray) are great bulbs and Metal Halide and even some LED sources and Arcadia makes some good compact fluorescent bulbs etc. when you say things like “you have to buy high quality uvb tubes” it’s very closed minded and very opinionated. These subjective comments about you have to buy this fixture and that bulb are ridiculous and that’s exactly why I said do not listen to someone who says these kinds of things. The more knowledgeable keepers will always give you suggestions but never say things like you have to do this. Give someone new to bearded dragons all the healthy options of UVB sources(there’s more than one!!) to provide their dragon. When we give advice or suggestions make them just that, a way to point someone in the right direction and let them come to their own conclusions. Nevertell someone they have to do this or that it sounds very opinionated and I know personally if someone said something like that to me I’d tell them where to stick it!! And I’m not saying I agree with it because I absolutely don’t but there are plenty of people who raise and breed dragons without UVB and supplement D3 and raise healthy dragons with no issues. So saying “ you will have medical problems with your dragon if you use coil UVB” is incredibly ignorant. Check out Arcadia compact fluorescent bulbs they’re sufficient and yes I wasn’t saying don’t follow distance to bulb guidelines for UVB output but there are many ways to provide quality UVB to our reptiles. Please stop telling new owners they have to buy this fixture and this bulb give them options and advice and let them decide what works for them.
I’ll accept I was wrong about coil uvb I was thinking compact uvb 12% from Arcadia your right and I knew that it’s not very effective so I’m sorry for that. But the rest of your post was your opinion there’s a ton of evidence that those bulbs are highly effective and very easy to use and those bulbs come with very simple guidelines on how to use them just like t5’s from Arcadia and reptisun. If you knew me I’m the least sensitive person you’ve ever met and I said I don’t agree with it and would not tell a new owner that so no need to be dramatic. I’m just saying I’ve seen many generations of dragons being raised with out uvb and they healthy dragons. Beardies can and have developed MBD under the best uvb out there. I’ve read peoples experience with keeping dragons under the exact same lighting setup and one will develop MBD and one won’t regardless of uvb being used. My point was just for people to give guidance and not be so demanding and using a different tone. I’ve read a lot posts on here where specific people I can talk to you more in a pm if you want, are very demanding with uvb setup. I apologize and was not trying to offend you, just for other people to use a more helpful way of guidance and suggestions.Telling people not to use coil UV is not being 'ignorant' in fact its the exact opposite. If you do your research then you will find that coil type UV bulbs only have an effective range of a couple of inches due to the wavelength of the light they emit. People think just because its uv and its in an enclosure its 'fit for purpose' and doing it's job when a lot of the time it isn't.
Mercury vapour bulbs are also an unreliable uv source. Are you aware that the uv output of these bulbs can vary between individual bulbs - even between bulbs of the same brand! They also emit shorter wavelength UV light which means their penetration is limited. The emission of uv from these bulbs also degrades extremely quickly!
Metal halides whilst a good source of UV are also impractical for the majority of Beardie enclosures due to the fact they have to be suspended at much greater heights than other types of light sources, require much more expensive ballasts and generate a lot of heat.
Most people coming into the hobby are not going to be aware of these factors and will have little to no experience of these different light sources and could end up doing serious harm to their pet through accidental misuse of the lighting. UV tubes on the other hand are extremely efficient, low cost, easy to install and do the job they are intended to do.
Suggesting people keep Beardies without a source of UV light and just supplement with D3 is not only stupid advice its also incredibly dangerous. Dragons don't only use UV to synthesise D3 for calcium absorption it is also required for a healthy neurological balance amongst other things.
Saying you would tell people to 'stick' their advice if you thought it offended your delicate sensibilities says a lot about you my friend and not the ignorance of other people. They are giving advice that they have learned from years of experience with these reptiles and the ever changing husbandry advances to care for them (decades in my case) and are giving it to ensure that people give the best possible care to the reptiles they love, in the simplest and most efficient manner.
When people come into this hobby they are often frightened and very unsure about what they need to do to keep their pet healthy and happy and want the simplest and most efficient methods to achieve this goal. Once they have gained this experience then some of them might wish to experiment with things such as lighting but at the beginning playing 'russian roulette' with the wellbeing of their pet to discover what works and what doesn't isn't something most of them are looking for or willing to try!