I’ve recently rescued a 3 year old bearded dragon that spent its whole life in a 20g Viv with no heat lights. I’ve moved into a 40g viv because it was the biggest I could find with a 75watt basking light, uvv and a 75watt night light for heat. I feed her 10 crickets and 1 super worm a day with reptive and calcium powder. I’ve had her for about 2 weeks now and have kept all the same stuff from her old viv into her new one so she dosnt get to stressed. However after all of this my bearded has surfed the glass so much her nose is starting to become raw. I’ve read countless of forums and I’ve tried everything but nothing is working. I’m starting to think it might be a medical issue which is concerning to me. I’ll attach a picture of her body and her face. If there is a medial problem visible please let me know because I’m running out of ideas. Oh yeah and I keep her tank at around 80 with 35% humidity but I’m using a dual tempature humidity gauge from Petco so idk how accurate.