Is there a way to attach photos?


I can write a comment, like this one; but, how do I share a photo? Can I drag and drop it into the comment window? My son and I finished making Paki's new enclosure. It turned out okay; but, if we were to do it again, there's things I would do differently. For now, it will work.

I brought Paki home on June 10. We started gathering the materials to build a bigger enclosure for him not too long afterwards. We finally completed it about 2 weeks ago and let Paki move in about 3 days later.

Paki is 15 inches long now. I don't remember how long he was when we go him, 7-9 inches maybe.

beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
It’s not as intuitive as I would like, but…

Click on XIMG button above the new post field. If you’ve already uploaded pics this wat, they appear for selection. If not, you can click where it says to upload more.

That will open a new tab/window to take you to the User Upload Manager. Upload you images to it. There are some bugs with it (self-written) but hopefully you won’t have any troubles. Once uploaded return to your tab with the new post and try to click on the XIMG button again. It should give you upload to select from and embed.

I’m actively working on migrating us to new software that is light years beyond what we have today. And the ease of uploading an image into a post is one example where it accels.



Original Poster
Beardie, thanks for the instructions. They were helpful; I'm not sure if would have figured it out on my own. I've uploaded two photos; but, I'm testing this out with just one.

All I see as I am writing this message is a string of numbers and the letters XIMG in brackets before and after the numbers. I am guessing that once I post this message, that string of numbers will become a photo.

Anyway, this picture is of the enclosure that we built. Since this picture was taken, I did do some rearranging of items and added his hammock and bowls. The enclosure has a screened top that is hinged on the back so that the lid can be lifted. My son added handles on the outside on both sides to make it easier to carry whenever we need to move it.


beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Yep. It worked. The newer software will show the image while editing. This older one does not. You just see the “tag” with the numbers.


Original Poster
Thank you so much. I have a picture of my bearded dragon that I want to post into a more appropriate category. I understand how to do it now. I appreciate the help.

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