Hello All!
The first of many questions I will ask: Is it ok to feed by Beardie just discoid roaches? I have bought a ton and am trying to start a colony. I hate crickets! My beardie, Exo, does not go crazy over them as he does the discoids. In addition the roaches don't smell or make noise. I know the discoids are better nutritionally, but I wanted to vary his diet, as I heard beardies can be picky eaters and I don't want him to get sick of roaches. Hopefully that is not the case because they smell better and are much easier to keep that crickets.
As har as worms, I have been giving him meal worms. I tried Black Soldier Fly Larve, but the were kind of a pain as they were so small and you have to pick through a lot to make a good meal.
I look forward to your responses. Thanks in advance!
The first of many questions I will ask: Is it ok to feed by Beardie just discoid roaches? I have bought a ton and am trying to start a colony. I hate crickets! My beardie, Exo, does not go crazy over them as he does the discoids. In addition the roaches don't smell or make noise. I know the discoids are better nutritionally, but I wanted to vary his diet, as I heard beardies can be picky eaters and I don't want him to get sick of roaches. Hopefully that is not the case because they smell better and are much easier to keep that crickets.
As har as worms, I have been giving him meal worms. I tried Black Soldier Fly Larve, but the were kind of a pain as they were so small and you have to pick through a lot to make a good meal.
I look forward to your responses. Thanks in advance!