Is it alright to change the enclosure while my bearded dragon brumates? (because of a fly problem not for fun lol)


Original Poster
Kind of a weird question but because its a weird scenario. My breaded Dragon has a bio active enclosure that has kind of turned into a mess, and I've been meaning to redo it for sometime now (replace the dirt, add in new spring tales, replant ect ect) but brumation threw a bit of a wrench in the plan which was totally fine until now, as I am noticing the start of a fly issue in my room, and they have been attracted to the enclosure which in kind of a mess, of dieing plants and so on. so, I'm wondering if it is okay to change the enclosure even though my bearded dragon is brumating. this is not the first time I've had a bug issue related to the enclosure, and normally replacing the dirt as i already planed has done the trick, and i really am hoping to catch this early and prevent it from getting worse (noticed many flies around the enclosure and my room today), but if its a bad idea I can probably wait, (bc there many other things in my room that could be the cause, just the enclosure is the biggest) I think its important to mention that my bearded dragon normally loves change in the enclosure, and has never taken badly to anything that has changed. the plan would also to be to just move him into his bath tub container with a bunch of blankets so it would stay dark, and then place that back inside the enclosure when i am done replacing the dirt, which should definitely be done in max an hour maybe two. Anyways, thanks for reading, and for any advice.


Hatchling Member
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Kind of a weird question but because its a weird scenario. My breaded Dragon has a bio active enclosure that has kind of turned into a mess, and I've been meaning to redo it for sometime now (replace the dirt, add in new spring tales, replant ect ect) but brumation threw a bit of a wrench in the plan which was totally fine until now, as I am noticing the start of a fly issue in my room, and they have been attracted to the enclosure which in kind of a mess, of dieing plants and so on. so, I'm wondering if it is okay to change the enclosure even though my bearded dragon is brumating. this is not the first time I've had a bug issue related to the enclosure, and normally replacing the dirt as i already planed has done the trick, and i really am hoping to catch this early and prevent it from getting worse (noticed many flies around the enclosure and my room today), but if its a bad idea I can probably wait, (bc there many other things in my room that could be the cause, just the enclosure is the biggest) I think its important to mention that my bearded dragon normally loves change in the enclosure, and has never taken badly to anything that has changed. the plan would also to be to just move him into his bath tub container with a bunch of blankets so it would stay dark, and then place that back inside the enclosure when i am done replacing the dirt, which should definitely be done in max an hour maybe two. Anyways, thanks for reading, and for any advice.
How much longer does your bearded dragon have left of brumating? Maybe if your bearded dragon is in its hide you could remove the plants. If flies keep on getting attracted to your bearded dragon's enclosure maybe you should turn it into a non-bioactive enclosure. As flies carry germs which is no good for bearded dragons.

xp29 Addict
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I would carefully move him into a tote or bin keep him covered and clean up his habitat. If it is drawing flys it probably isn't safe for him to be in.


Original Poster
hello sorry for a very late reply, all is well, i was alittle to nervous about the fly problem, it disappered the following day, and he has awoke from brumation, so i changed his dirt once he was up and awake for abit :)

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