This is the first time I’ve ever owned a reptile before. We got a tank off of Craigslist, and it came with a ceramic heat bulb as well as a Mixjoy uvb and uva heat lamp. I assumed that the Mixjoy bulb was mostly for heat, so we also purchased a reptisun t8. I’m now just worried that this is too much uvb for the little guy. He seems to love basking in the light, but I’m not sure if they know if they are getting too much uvb or not. He a whole side without the light fixtures, but usually remains on the light side. Let me know how to best proceed please, and if bearded dragons show any signs of too much uvb or if overexposure is invisible until damage.
This is the first time I’ve ever owned a reptile before. We got a tank off of Craigslist, and it came with a ceramic heat bulb as well as a Mixjoy uvb and uva heat lamp. I assumed that the Mixjoy bulb was mostly for heat, so we also purchased a reptisun t8. I’m now just worried that this is too much uvb for the little guy. He seems to love basking in the light, but I’m not sure if they know if they are getting too much uvb or not. He a whole side without the light fixtures, but usually remains on the light side. Let me know how to best proceed please, and if bearded dragons show any signs of too much uvb or if overexposure is invisible until damage.