Introduction and New Baby coming - name ideas ?

Beardie name(s)
This is Diva (my daughter choose this name so I guess we will go with it)! It’s fitting anyways since she waits to be hand fed her bugs and wants 💩 removed from her enclosure immediately 😆. We got her just about 3-4 weeks ago from a local breeder HerebDragons. She’s gentle and very easy to handle.

So the other photo is the little “probable” girl 🙏 we are waiting to come this week. We ordered her from Dachiu Dragons. Any name ideas for this one? She’s a visual trans 66% probable het hypo. Can’t wait to see what she grows into.


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xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Is the bigger one her mother?
She is adorable, both breeders are rock solid as far as i know to. I'm not good at names, but my best friend ALWAYS throws out Henrietta and Gorgette any time i ask lol 😆 (those both sound like names for chickens to me 🤪😁)


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Is the bigger one her mother?
She is adorable, both breeders are rock solid as far as i know to. I'm not good at names, but my best friend ALWAYS throws out Henrietta and Gorgette any time i ask lol 😆 (those both sound like names for chickens to me 🤪😁)
No not related! The first one is 7-8 months old. Could be worse my friend named her dragon Katherine 😆😆😆

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