Introducing Beebz

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
They shouldn't "need" help but if it's been loose for a bit and hasn't come off it doesn't hurt to aid them, just don't try to peel off anything that isn't already loose.
I love the picks she had some serious sexy leg going on in one, and looked like she was under arrest in another lol 😆 😂


Juvie Member
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They shouldn't "need" help but if it's been loose for a bit and hasn't come off it doesn't hurt to aid them, just don't try to peel off anything that isn't already loose.
I love the picks she had some serious sexy leg going on in one, and looked like she was under arrest in another lol 😆 😂
Ha, thanks I know I have rose colored glasses on but I think she's gorgeous and she knows it. Of course I only have the pet shops best guess that "she" is indeed a she. Need to try out that flashlight test I learned about here. But 'he' will be just as gorgeous if that's the way the it turns out =)

After she finished climbing for a bit she jumped down and most of the shed fell off. Then she walks over to her food bowl where there are still a couple collard greens from breakfast.

I pick one up and hand her one.

She takes it. Spits it out.


Turns out it was lunch time so she got her bowl of bugs and is happily basking.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
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Beebz got a chance to hang out outside her enclosure for the first time today with the exception of a couple baths. She and my daughter sat in a little baby gate thingy and she seemed to enjoy herself


Then she decided to see if she fit through the little holes in the gate (she doesn't) we took that as our cue to put her back in her house.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Getting out is fantastic enrichment for them, but you have to watch them closely especially babies, they are very fast and can fit into places that you would say no way.
She is a cutie btw


Juvie Member
Original Poster
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Getting out is fantastic enrichment for them, but you have to watch them closely especially babies, they are very fast and can fit into places that you would say no way.
She is a cutie btw
Yeah I was nervous, but it turned out well. I'm still waiting for my 120g to arrive and figured at least a few minutes with more room to roam would do her good.

I feel bad she is in such a small space. They grow so fast!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Good to know.

Is that something I should always do when she gets big loose pieces like that, or only if she seems to be having problems getting it off herself?

It looked like she was managing pretty well so I sorta assumed she had it figured out.
You can help her when it gets like that -- getting them off will reduce the itching


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG what a beautiful Beardie!!!!!! Shedding/growing- oooh, enjoy this size because it's not going to last forever LOL
Seriously, you are doing great but seeking support!!! Keep it up!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
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OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG what a beautiful Beardie!!!!!! Shedding/growing- oooh, enjoy this size because it's not going to last forever LOL
Seriously, you are doing great but seeking support!!! Keep it up!
Thank you!

We are very proud of her. It's scary but exciting having a little scaly thing depend on you.

I've seen pictures of your Rocky, and heard tales of his adventures. He's awesome.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Thank you!

We are very proud of her. It's scary but exciting having a little scaly thing depend on you.

I've seen pictures of your Rocky, and heard tales of his adventures. He's awesome.
Rocky says Legendary was the word he was looking for. 🤪🤪🤣🤣

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
She has the most pronounced banding on her tail, i noticed it in some of your other pics, but it realy shows up in this one, that is so cool.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
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She has the most pronounced banding on her tail, i noticed it in some of your other pics, but it realy shows up in this one, that is so cool.
Thank you. Yes she has a lot of contrast between her light and dark patches. Her torso looks a lot different too when it's not covered in shed. That was the main reason for the bath.

It's been about 3 weeks since she finished her last shed, and with how much she's grown she must feel like she's wearing a corner by now. Some big pieces came off her legs and I see just the beginnings of some flaking where she shed her tail so I'm hopeful she will get her nice comfy new skin soon.


*edit* she kicked that big piece off her toe between pic 2 and 3 so she's working hard on it!

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