Introduce Two Dragons

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Hatchling Member
i would like to introduce my two ....really just want to be able to bathe them at the same too worried though since they are male/ female is very grumpy, and even though my male is longer, hes a lot smaller since hes still a sub adult.....worried more about them trying to mate, or her becoming gravid just being around him than anything....hes already missing a leg from a fight in the pet store that had him, so i know the dangers of them being around each other....for now ive decided its in their best interests not to meet....she bathes in the tub and he goes in the sink for now.....they dont need to be around each other, socializing them is only beneficial to the keeper - and for me, theres too much risk each their own


Original Poster
stangbanger":k35ppo24 said:
for me, theres too much risk each their own

Aw, that's an awful story!
Its probably for the best.
(that you keep them apart)


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Baby and Little Guy

diamc Sicko
Staff member
I have to agree, and if you notice the stance on Little Guy, he is very intently watching the bigger one and looks like he is ready to run off if he has to. Look at the difference in the way he is holding his front leg compared to the relaxed stance on the other one.


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I will take video someday, Little Guy is always "On the Run" so to speak, so I dont feel its to odd that he may be standing in a 'Ima take off' kinda way.

I believe I set them both down, and they just stood where I put them.


This is how they fell asleep the other night.

but I decided they didnt need to "see" each other all the time x.x so I put up paper on the side of Baby's cage.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member

That looks like they were watching eachother all night long because they were nervous. I am glad you put a paper in between them, that should help calm some nerves.



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dem eyeballs were closed!


they both sleep on the side of the glass like that. (I dunno why...) that was just the first time they both 'faced' each other.
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