Interesting Dubia Info & Pics

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Juvie Member
I find myself watching my Dubia colony quite often, and since I love taking pics I take alot of pics of them as well. I have been lucky enough to catch a couple of things that people have asked about here, so I thought I would post the pics and some info, others could post pics and info, and then maybe we would have our questions answered.
I have one thing yet to take a pic of and that is the actual birth, or hatching of the nymphs, but believe me I'm gonna try!!

I have to say that I am still learning as well so add what is needed!

We all seem to know the femal from the male, and even how to tell by their underside.

This is a picture of an egg sack.

Here is a close up. I could be mistaken, but it seems as though you can see the nymphs inside. I wasn't able to stick around to see what happened with this, but here it seems full and even moist. Later when I when I came back it looked dry and empty.

Below are some pics of a female letting her egg sack breathe as we have called it. It was quite weord the first tie I saw

And here it seems as though they are making more. I take it from watching them that they get connected much like you hear about dogs - that once connected they just can't come apart. I feel this way because I have seen them connected and one just drag the other around.

Ok. I think thats it for my pics right now. I do have more on flickr if you want to check them out. Some more of the egg case, nymphs, etc.

One question I do have is.... Are they white right after the shed? And how long does it take for them to "turn back to brown"?


Juvie Member

Those are really amazing photos. Thank you so much for posting. :D

Yes, the dubias are white after a fresh molt. I think they are quite beautiful in this state. But then, I'm a weirdo. lol Seems to take a couple of days or more for them to 'harden up' and regain their nature color.

Keep the pictures coming!!

They are awesome.


Juvie Member
These pictures are really good! I am working on getting a colony established right now. I have only had my roaches for a few days. I actually didn't have any adult females until yesterday so I haven't seen the mating and egg sack yet. I have seen the white ones though. It's cool to see.


Hatchling Member
Wow, I am impressed. I have tens of thousands of dubia, yet I never seem to have a cam ready when I catch them in the act. Been meaning to update my breeding info page. One of these days I'll catch the buggers!

Good job!


Juvie Member
Original Poster

Thanks everyone for the nice comments...yea, I wasn't exagerating when I said I like to watch them. I am in their checking them out at least two or three times a day, and sometimes more. There are sometimes when I don't see one, and other times where I see, well quite a bit! This is why I just don't think I will ever make a complete change to the plastic tubs. I will always have at least a few in an aquarium so I can see them.
I mainly posted it so people will know what some things look like. I mean I was told here and other places that the female lets the egg sack breathe, but I was NOT expecting what I saw! I thought something was wrong at! So, yeah... I want this to carry on so that when someone comes in here questioning the things above, they can see and not just hear!

Thanks again guys....and add your own pics and info!!


Juvie Member
I feel like such a 'tard' right now. "letting the egg sack breathe". I was looking at that thinking that I didn't have any pregnant females, but that is the "breathing" part. :oops:
I need to take some pics. I don't have my tote set up yet.


Hatchling Member
Heres the pictures, so you don't have to click on all of them







Nice pics man! ohh and that last pic is some kama sutra stuff for sure!


Juvie Member
What kind of camera are you using?? Your photo are really crystal clear and incredible.

I'm totally impressed. :blob5: :blob8:

I love watching my colony as well. Dubias really have some beautiful colors and marking.


Juvie Member
Original Poster is kinda a hobby I guess you could say. I carry my camera with me as much as possible and I take so many pics that later when I review them I'm like "wow...I took that one!?!", or "Why the heck did I take 30 pics of the same thing?" LOL!

The camera is great. I just recently got it so I take more pics than usual to get used to what it can do. It's a Sony Cyber-Shot ( It does so many different things...cameras make me almost as happy as beardies :wink: . Took me 2 hours to pick the camera out, an hour to pick out a bag for it, and another 1/2 hour for the accessories...hahaha...I'm a camera dork. But, yeah, I am glad I chose this camera - very good!!


Juvie Member
Just wanted to share a story. I have recently set up my tote for breeding dubia. I have a few hundred of them right now. I saw this discussion post with the photos, which are amazing (I may have already said that in this thread). Two days ago, I was showing my 4 year old daughter the roaches. She LOVES reptiles, amphibians, and insects. Anyway, as soon as I opened the tote to show her, we saw a female crawling across the top of the egg crates that was "letting the egg sack breathe". My daughter has some GREAT facial expressions and she looked at me as if to say "what the $%&# was that!?" :eek: :shock: :eek: :shock: So then I had to explain about the babies and how the "mommies" do this for the babies before they are born. I'm just glad that I had seen this discussion or I would have been at a total loss for words.
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