- Beardie name(s)
- LJ
Hello! My bearded dragon, LJ has been fighting an infection for quite some time now. In late November, I brought him to the vet for an impaction. While we were there, I also had them take blood and they found an elevated WBC count. They took X Rays and do not think he has a URI, however, will not tell me what he DOES have. When this all started, I heard him wheeze once or twice - so I am fairly certain it is respiratory. (I have not heard it since and the vet was made aware). They prescribed him .2ml Orbax, a broad spectrum oral antibiotic, every other day for 21 days (11 doses). We went back for re-check bloodwork and they found the WBC count got even higher. I had them culture it and he is not septic. The vet then gave him 200mg Excede injections once a week for 3 weeks. We are now at the 4 week mark and go back in four bloodwork tomorrow morning. I am not convinced LJ has completely cleared this infection; he still is mouth breathing, staying in one spot for most of the day, and gets crusties in the corners of his mouth. Although, he is still very alert and when he is outside of his enclosure, he will run around. He is also still eating like a champ. I do not believe it is a husbandry issue. He has an Arcadia T5 Pro 12% - farthest point 12". Basking Spot: 105-107. Middle Grade: 90-95 Cool side: 78-81. If indeed, he did not clear the infection - I am not sure what to do next. I know these little guys have weak kidneys and I do not want to give him more than he can take. The vet has told me numerous times that there are no possible issues to the kidneys, but every other resource tells me otherwise. I am praying that the infection is cleared and he just has the mouth breathing/messy eater quirks, but if not, what do you guys think I should do next? I want to be prepared for any outcome of the blood test results. I am not sure more antibiotics is the right choice? Thanks all. I love my little baby so so much. He is my other half and I am really scared. This is him: