
Beardie name(s)
Hey y'all, I’m new to the bearded dragon world, and I very quickly fell madly in love with them… I now have 4! All that to say, I eventually plan on breeding these beauties. I purchase a wine cooler, as I was told these are really good for keeping the temperature. The cooling aspect of it doesn’t work, just the fans so of course that’s ideal. That said, how do I make sure it stays at the 80-84 range for when I have eggs? It has a digital thermometer that says 80, but it changes pretty fluidly based on the temperature outside. What do yall recommend I get to help with this? Someone said heat tape, but I can’t seem to find/understand how that works? Thanks in advance!!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hey y'all, I’m new to the bearded dragon world, and I very quickly fell madly in love with them… I now have 4! All that to say, I eventually plan on breeding these beauties. I purchase a wine cooler, as I was told these are really good for keeping the temperature. The cooling aspect of it doesn’t work, just the fans so of course that’s ideal. That said, how do I make sure it stays at the 80-84 range for when I have eggs? It has a digital thermometer that says 80, but it changes pretty fluidly based on the temperature outside. What do yall recommend I get to help with this? Someone said heat tape, but I can’t seem to find/understand how that works? Thanks in advance!!

AHBD Sicko
I never used a wine cooler. I had an old refrigerator that served as an incubator which worked perfectly.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Wine coolers aren't really ideal in your situation. They are suited for larger scale breeding. The wine coolers will keep the humidity level pretty stable, but you still have to figure out the heating aspect of it.

For a hobbyist, I'd recommend just purchasing a ready made incubator. Trust me, it will be the cheapest part of this adventure for you LOL.

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